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Everything posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. I feel ya. Hope it cracks off a nice time. How much does it weigh? What kind of numbers it putting down HP/tq wise ?
  2. Then by all means fella, swing away http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/nutswinger-1.gif
  3. Luckily I live on windy country roads so it always keeps me entertained
  4. Now I know my car really isnt that fast but to me I consider it a quick car. It makes over 400whp and seems a little quick. Now after driving it soo much I feel it isn't really quick anymore or doesnt seem like it's got much power. Do any of you guys get soo used to your cars that you think it's not even fast anymore or doesn't have much power as when you got it or impress you anymore? I'm so used to my car it feels like I'm driving a stock gto even though when I take friends for a ride they re assure me it's def not stock. Any comments from people who feel this way about their cars would be awesome. Thanks. Paul
  5. Love me some Denny's grand slam meal
  6. Trailering a 11-12 second integra. LOL. Now I've heard it all
  7. I'll buy it if your down to meet me in zanesville
  8. I hope sitch gets one good hit on Ron.
  9. Yes, considering you look goofy as hell. Don't need to say much creeper brah. You look like a dude who would sift through neighbors trash to sniff used tampons. Mr. Lurch. But I guess you are cool bc you can build cars....
  10. Occupation: Director of Coolness LOL is this real life?
  11. I like that even though your sig gif makes me punch my screen
  13. Any thoughts are appreciated. funny or serious. So far I got; TROLLIN BMBLWEE BMBLBEE GOATSEE GAPEEED LOLUMAD
  14. Do doughnuts in dkilbourne's yard. with it.
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