Just so TaterClay knows, I got this from another forum.
Every single day that you're alive, look up at the sky and just be grateful and humbled to merely exist
- And that you are better off than 6.75 billion other humans on this Earth
- And then comprehend the probability that you're actually alive. That one specific sperm and one specific egg created a zygote to make you
- Not only that, you were born on the perfect planet, in the perfect solar system, in the perfect interstellar neighborhood, in the perfect galaxy, in the perfect galactic group, in the perfect supercluster, to sustain life
- And of all the trillions and quadrillions of organisms you could have been born as on this short 4 billion years of Earth's history, from a protozoan to an ant, you were born as the apex predator
- That you had an eternity of unconsciousness before this life, you're in the 75 years of being conscious of your existence, and snap your fingers, and before you know it, you'll be back to an eternity of unconsciousness