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Everything posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. They are quite light but I feel they wouldn't be able to put up with the abuse that a standard USGI metal mag would put up with on the battlefield. This might not matter for most people who just plink at ranges and dont use them overseas and what not.
  2. Glad your wife is ok. Im sure the truck is a total loss considering its age and what those trucks go for nowadays.
  3. I don't wanna log in so in conclusion I didn't chuckle.
  4. Yup. Can't wait to get some amazing deals from private party sales after they throw up from seeing how much they overpaid and are now trying to recoup losses.
  5. Here's the exact stuff we give our dogs. srsly works amazing. You will notice a diference real quick. http://www.amazon.com/Trader-Joes-Glucosamine-Chondroitin-Dogs/dp/B003ZMGC6G Now here's just a link to some other brands at petsmart: http://www.petsmart.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=2767163&f=Taxonomy%2FPET%2F2767163&lmdn=Product+Type&f=PAD%2FType+1%2FSupplements&fbc=1&fbn=Type+1%7CSupplements&fbx=1&SR=sr3_11556999_ms&utm_source=adcenter&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=Glucosamine_For_Dogs&utm_content=Dog_Supplements_Glucosamine_-_Dog_Core_Terms&utm_campaign=MPUS__Dog_Supplements__NOSET
  6. I don't like where you're going with this...
  7. Glucosamine ftw. works on people and dogs as well. Helped out our older golden retrievers immensely.
  8. Sites offer Pmags weekly @ $12.95 when they have them in stock. Don't waste your money buying other ppl's pmags that they overpriced. Just do what antwon said and order/backorder them at normal cost.
  9. Yup, just take your rifle in and let them know what your plans are for it.
  10. You just blew his mind this with this post. He's prolly still learning what the charging handle does and you had to go drop this on him lol.
  11. Summer possibly? They are prolly referring to guns going out of season when hunting seasons aren't going on. deer,turkey,etc..
  12. Thats what I was getting at. small tissue repair.
  13. Why do you think you need it? I'll take this thread serious if you do. Would you be wanting to take it to help repair joints? We need more info or else this will become a shitstorm.
  14. Read. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/03/eddie-routh-chris-kyle-murder-navy-seal_n_2611117.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl4%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D265604 Cliffs: -Chris and his neighbor/friend Chad are at range with shooter Eddie. -Chris brought Eddie to range to help him with his PTSD. -Sometime during all this Eddie turns his pistol on kyle and Chat. -Takes Kyle's truck to his sister n husbands. Tells them what he done. -He leaves and they call polilce. He shows up at his house police are there. -Small chase later he's caught and is now on $3 million bond.
  15. if you guys were lucky http://www.aimsurplus.com was selling pmags for $12.95 yesterday limit 5 per customer. they sold out within an hour.
  16. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9QjARWd5a84/T3OXHJJbe1I/AAAAAAAAA34/OVtLNvwpMvI/s190/nod-of-approval.gif
  17. I liked the Budweiser Clydesdale commercial too. Dat feel.
  18. Read it all. Wonder what he got it for.
  19. walmart supplies that if they have any in stock.
  20. Lol'd hard at this when I saw it. TATERS GON TATE...
  21. That's some white knuckle driving right there. How many vehicles you see off the road?
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