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Everything posted by ohio_wookie

  1. Thanks for the heads up, for sure. I figured there would be the possibility. I was actually more worried there would be a problem when the buyer went to activate the phone, but that went smoothly. I guess I will find out eventually.
  2. Meh, I've already sold it for more than full retail price. Sooo, worst case scenario I just pay it off. But as of now, over a month later, I haven't seen any extra charges. I asked someone that works at Best Buy and they said I lucked out and so long as I activated an Incredible I would be fine. Supposedly because of the shortage phones are being shipped directly from HTC so Verizon has no clue what IMEI numbered phone your "supposed" to have. I looked through all my receipts and bills and the phones IMEI number was left blank everywhere.
  3. Check Best Buy, I ordered mine at Verizon in LA. A week later I flew back to Ohio and found one at Best Buy at Tuttle. They had a bunch while I was there. Bonus was, when I called Verizon to cancel my order they wouldn't let me till I received the phone. Long story short, I got both phones for the subsidized price. Win!
  4. ohio_wookie

    LSx guys

    Mine doesn't bother me much, but that could be because of the dynamat covering the whole interior
  5. Medical Marijuana recommendations are real easy to get if anyone asks I have problems sleeping at night Yeah this state sucks. I've been mixing with race fuel for the last 6 months because the 91 out here is so high in sulfur that when I got my vette it lasted about 2 weeks before the fuel level sensors stopped working. Started mixing with race fuel and it cleaned them up real quick, fuel gauge hasn't died in the last 6 months.
  6. ohio_wookie

    LSx guys

    I've got the borla stingers and I love the way the sound.
  7. Get the Droid X, Droid 2 or Incredible. All great phones, you won't miss the iPhone one bit.
  8. Everyone still seems to forget there is still a very real contract between AT&T and Apple for 5 years exclusivity which doesn't end until 2012. I will say that I used flurry in an app my company sent to Apple and we did see that it was used on a CDMA iPad, which would not be covered by the AT&T contract. Just sayin, I still think it will be a while before you see a Verizon iPhone.
  9. ohio_wookie

    Droid X

    The Incredible is awesome, I like it a lot better than my G1. and you don't need a physical keyboard on an Android device, use Swype its easier to use than a physical keyboard.
  10. How did you guys here about this and I didn't? This is like 2 miles from my apartment
  11. Yeah, the show they aired last night sucked. Next weeks episode is really good, if you don't like that one you probably won't care for the rest of the show. One of my favorites that will air in a few weeks is Achmed trying to get his US citizenship.
  12. My brother is the Director of Photography on the show and if you guys like Jeff Dunham's stand up you should love the show. What I always liked about Jeff's bits is how much the characters become so real, you almost forget Jeff's there. The show takes that and turns it up to 11 by putting the characters in the real world without Jeff. I've gotten to see a lot of the material and have been to the a couple of the live tapings as well, and its all funny as hell.
  13. Thanks for the compliments! The thing is a tank and that bumper is a beast. The bed liner looks good and is extremely easy to clean. I like it!
  14. So I flew out to Philly to pick up a my new Jeep on Saturday. About 10 miles outside of 270 on 70 I hit a deer doing about 75mph. I went ahead and got off the next exit to take a look at how badly I had messed up my frontend. I was amazed by what I saw. There was zero damage! (note: the gap in the bumper was there before) Just a little bit of deer guts on the bumper and side of it. http://irtrt.org/images/Jeep/Jeep4.JPG The worst part was trying to get the fat off the bumper. On that note, my new toy is a 91 Cherokee 5 speed 4x4 with a 3" lift, 4.7L crate and a bunch of other goodies. The unique thing about it is the exterior and interior are both painted with bed liner. Its neat, I like the idea I never have to worry about waxing it. Its a good start but still needs a lot of work. I like it, its fun to drive and doesn't get half bad gas mileage. http://irtrt.org/images/Jeep/Jeep1.JPG http://irtrt.org/images/Jeep/Jeep3.JPG http://irtrt.org/images/Jeep/Jeep2.JPG
  15. its on bethel across from the giant eagle
  16. ok, well i went and had a blast, the women there are awesome. now i have a new question, is the elite room worth the $150? now i know there are those of you that wouldnt want to spend $150 without getting sex, but keep in mind that i am married and no l.onger have that option, a really good private dance works for me
  17. Does Vanity's byob policy have any limitations? Is it just beer?
  18. went for 4th and hit 2nd in my mr2 at 65. Broke something, still not sure though
  19. http://www.ninwiki.com The world of year zero shit makes the album that much better. The way he came up with album is great.
  20. I'm a Gentoo user, I got a kick out of those. I personally think that Linux is the shit so long as your not using it as a desktop.
  21. Its not that they have been selling well, its the fact that Nintendo has had a shortage of the systems due to the demand in Europe and Japan. There were no Wiis sold in the US from January 28th to April 23rd.
  22. First two sites that came up were actually me. Thats no fun.
  23. The idea with hallow points is they expand when they hit something. Meaning if you have to shoot someone that happens to be standing infront of someone else, that round is going to stop in the target and not proceed to the innocent person, or if you have to fire on someone breaking into your house or apartment, and you fire at that person and miss, when a hollow point hits a wall it will more than likely stop or lose enough velocity to cause a less serious injury. Full metal jackets go through shit and then they keep going until they hit something dense enough to stop them or until they go through enough shit to slow them down. Hollow points aren't going to cause so much more damage that shooting someone in the arm will kill them. shot a person in the head with a hollow point or a full metal jacket, they are going to die just the same. its just that the hallow point is going to stop.
  24. this is the type of ignorance that I'm talking about. edit: I'm not trying to bee an asshole, just that to me when someone says that I shouldn't have the right to own a firearm, I take it just the same as them telling me I don't have the right to be alive.
  25. http://www.gunowners.org/sk0802.htm Some good information in that, and all the facts check out. I'm sure most of you are just speaking from what you know and not what you have experienced. But the thing is, my family and I wouldn't be around today if it wasn't for our right to own guns. I think that the people that think we should ban guns are just ignorant and need to get a clue. There is a problem with crime in this world, and there always has been. and its a fight fire with fire situation. if you want to guarantee the safety of you and your family buy a gun and get a ccw, because in my own experience the cops are sure as hell not going to be there to help when you need them ( even if you give them 45 fucking minutes, and call 911 13 times ). Don't get me wrong a totally gun free world would be spectacular! but this isn't a fucking fairy tale, a totally gun free world will never exist. so banning guns will never work. Seriously, look at the crime rates in England and Australia, and please make sure its per capita there is a big population difference in the countries. Their gun control sure didn't do them any good at all.
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