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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. Also, on that same note, the new push is to 'involve' your patients in their own care. I've talked to and educated patients until I'm blue in the face, and they still come back for the same dumb shit, week after week. I've met rocks that are more compliant with my demands.
  2. Huh? I was pointing out the fact that if he specializes in this stuff, he probably is not an idiot. Idiots don't generally make it through med school.
  3. I agree that the .gov has no business regarding what people put into their bodies. The problem arises when people do stupid things because of the the stuff they are putting into their bodies, affecting the rest of the productive society. Come visit me in the hospital on any given night to take a look at the stupidity this shit causes first hand. Come take a look at one of the apartments my parents rent out after the people move out; utterly trashed, usually with drug paraphernalia lying all over the place. And good luck taking them to court to try to get any money out of them because they've blown it all on drugs. I have yet to hear or see anything good come out of a person who is strung out on heroin. Ever. The shit wrecks their lives, and then when they've run out of money to buy any more, it starts affecting the lives of all the good people they trample on for their next fix. And you're exactly right about it costing the tax payers as well, what with the DEA, police raids, prison costs, etc. Deregulate everything, tax it, and then give them just enough rope to hang themselves with. Perhaps I need to revise my criteria a little bit. How about, any person who is on drugs and fucks with the life of another person. If you can be on drugs and affect only yourself, fine, go for it, ruin your life. But if you are on drugs of any kind and start affecting me, or costing me money because of it; you need to go.
  4. I kind of agree. Morally, I'm a little put-off that he didn't step in, but I can see the legal side of it as well. I think it's sad that the news video seems to be focusing more on the fact that the driver didn't do anything vs. the teens that were handing out the beating. I think they're missing the point here...
  5. To each their own. The current methods don't seem to be working very well. If you've proven yourself to be a piece of shit, you deserve to be removed from this planet.
  6. Just watched it again. School bus driver needs to carry a billy club and smack each one of them in the face with it............repeatedly.
  7. I vote for automatic death penalty for: -anyone who's to be in prison >5yrs. -any thief -anyone busted for drug shit This shit's gotta stop.
  8. Methotrexate can be some nasty stuff, but most immunosuppressants are. Like other autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, your body is essentially attacking itself. One way to make it quit doing that is to suppress your immune system with an immunosuppressant, such as Methotrexate. Steroids are also used as well, but they come with their own list of nasty side effects. Take the stuff as prescribed; report any adverse effects. Your doctor didn't get through 30 years of schooling because he's an idiot.
  9. A reaction using all the reactants of a combustion reaction, putting off all the products of a combustion reaction, but without going through a combustion reaction?
  10. 2 points of contact on a pistol makes it a gray area I would not venture into.
  11. What did you study in college, and where?
  12. Add drugs to that equation and then recalculate.
  13. Add drugs to that equation and then recalculate.
  14. As long as you're comfortable with it. The ballistics experts of the world don't trust it, though.
  15. As long as you're comfortable with it. The ballistics experts of the world don't trust it, though.
  16. Borderline worthless. 4" of penetration is nowhere near enough.
  17. Walk in. And it's an awesome store to look around in; so much cool stuff. They usually have my blades done before I'm ready to quit looking.
  18. +1 It's like $3-4/blade. They do it on a belt sander, but it's a quick and nice job, though a little rough. You might take it to them for the initial reshaping and go from there with your stones. That's what I generally do.
  19. Never heard of those, but that was pretty cool to watch.
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