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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Vanity plates own this thread. They're hot, like me and my vanity plate, which reads, "IM TOO HOTT FOR THIS THREAD."
  2. Charles Penzone - at least the one in Polaris - is great. That's where I've went to get my hair cut for the past two years or so. First of all, the scenery there is the fucking best - hot chicks for days. Seriously, I think they hire hot girls just to walk around the salon. "What do you do here for a job?" "Oh, nothing, I just walk around and look hot." Second, you can choose who you have give you a massage, so no worries on getting hooked up with sausage for your rubdown. It's definitely a first-rate salon. Oh, if you go, then you might ask for Betsy or a girl named Zoey and tell them that I sent you. Both of them are great. Note, though, if you run into a girl named Cassie or Ivy, do NOT mention my name. P.S. Alex, do you know how I know you're gay?
  3. http://wwwimage.showbuzz.cbsnews.com/images/2007/10/10/image3356016.jpg Listen, this is your good friend, David Hasselhoff. I'm a good looking man. But that's not the point here, Scott. No, it's about your birthday, and I hope you have a good one. This day belongs to you, buddy. Besides, there are 364 other days to compliment me and my hair.
  4. Yeah, I figured since I didn't hear back from you that you weren't interested. Are you? If you'll do it, then this thread can go bye-bye.
  5. I am putting out a request for someone to find some songs and burn them to a CD. Will need this done in the next week or so. Will pay you $30 and also be your friend, which, alone, is worth at least $2.36. PM me with interests and/or questions.
  6. Contact the Franklin County Probate Court and tell them your situation (e.g., "We fear someone in our family - an older person that may have Alzheimer's - is incompetent"). (Unless the person you're referring to resides in Licking County, then you would contact the Licking County Probate Court.) The number to the Franklin County Probate Court is 614.462.3890. If you need an attorney, then there are two I can recommend: Sam Peppers and John Mashburn. The probate court will have their numbers. If you call them, tell them that you were referred by me (Dr. Tilley). Sam Peppers used to be a magistrate for the Franklin County Probate Court, so he really knows his stuff. John Mashburn's office is located in Groveport. If neither of them work, then I have other attorneys that I could direct you to. Good luck.
  7. http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/3876/ringonhand3gt5.th.jpg http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4615/ringonhand4ga7.th.jpg http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/2208/ringinbox1fq4.th.jpg
  8. Here, this should work. I think if you click the pic you can get a larger picture: http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4461/ringonhand1wm4.th.jpg
  9. No worries. Listen, it's a little known fact, but, if you just leave it in first and continue to floor it, eventually the tach will come back around - doing a complete 360 degrees - and you'll be back at 1000rpms in no time. Just continue to repeat that process and amaze friends and families alike with your non-shifting prowess. Some "experts" say doing that "hurts" the engine. Those people are generally regarded as sissies. Ignore them.
  10. Mods, please either get this guy to edit his nonsense or I'm going to humiliate him publically. He doesn't have a clue what he's talking about and this thread isn't the place to air his misperceptions. Similarly, I don't think this is the forum for flame wars. To everyone else (e.g., SpaceGhost, Jamie), thanks for the sentiments. Yeah, it's good that I got it back, but it's proving rough to get it into the next guy's hands. Oh well, you live and you learn, right?
  11. Well, I've tried Craigslist, Ebay, and iOffer and had no luck with any of them. The Craigslist people would respond with things like "OMG I would so have sex with you for that ring!" and other, funny/supportive things like that, but nothing in the way of true offers. Ebay was only good for getting people to email me with various scams that, ultimately, involved their request to use an "escrow" account outside of Ebay. iOffer has yielded zilch. I approached Diamond Cellar about the situation, but they wouldn't take the ring back, saying that it had to be returned within 30 days from the date of purchase. I guess I can understand their stance, but, still, it's hard to hear them preach about how great their diamonds are when they are selling it and then have them absolutely refuse to consider taking back their ring after they've already sold it. Business is business, I suppose, and caveat emptor. I've also approached in the area of a dozen different jewelers in the area in an attempt to simply sell them the diamond directly. Sure, all of them were willing to buy it, but none of them could come up with a price that was even remotely in my ballpark. So, as you can probably imagine, I've been at this for a while, and my patience is running a bit thin. At this point, I'm willing to unload it for considerably less than what I paid for it just to get rid of the thing. Hell, I've even considered coming on here and offering money to whoever can get it sold on Ebay or whatever, since I figured I was doing something wrong since I haven't been able to sell it. Yes, the price is fairly low, considering what I paid for it. However, if you can find a better way to get a better price, then I'm all ears. In any event, thanks for the inquiry and for the bump.
  12. Long story short, I was engaged, the engagement didn't work out, and now I'm left with the engagement ring. With no use for an engagement ring, I'm putting up for sale here. Here's some background on it: I bought it in December 2006 at the Diamond Cellar here at Easton. The fiancee wore it for a few weeks, things went sour, and it's been back in its box at my place ever since. So, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this diamond, and it is in pristine condition. I have both the Diamond Certificate Report from the European Gemological Laboratory (EGL) and the Appraisal from the Diamond Cellar. I scanned both in PDF format, so I can provide you with them through email upon request. I am printing here verbatim the information on the EGL report and the appraisal: _______________________________________________ Shape and Cut: Round Brilliant Measurements: 9.73 x 9.64 x 6.14 mm (actual) Weight: 3.59 Cts. (actual) Depth: 63.40 Table: 58.0 Girdle: Slightly thick, faceted Culet: None Finish - Polish: Good Finish - Symmetry: Very Good Clarity: SI-3 Color: H Cert Type/Number: EGL/2603436832 Mounting Attributes - Metal: Platinum Mounting Attributes - Setting: Four prong set Condition: New Comments: 1/2 Rounded Shank Raised to Head Comments: The proportions of this diamond are within the tolerance of those of the Premium Cut, thus achieving a harmonious balance between proportions & the display of brilliance. Total Approximate Retail Value Excluding Tax: $37,129.30 _________________________________________________ Asking price at this point is $20K, though I'll consider all, reasonable offers. $20K is a ton lower than what I paid for it, but, hey, those are the breaks when you make bad decisions. My loss can be your gain, I suppose. Here are some pics: http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/3293/ringonhand1wu2.th.jpg http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/8549/ringonhand3oa6.th.jpg http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/5455/ringonhand4ds8.th.jpg http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/5803/ringinbox1vj4.th.jpg
  13. You've been nominated for an Irony Award. Congratulations.
  14. Ken, I would say so. I'm not a "gamer" by any stretch of the imagination; I play a game about every month or so, on average. I've had most of the major gaming systems (e.g., PlayStation2, the original XBOX, and the old school systems, like Nintendo64, Super Nintendo, and so forth). The XBOX 360 is awesome, IMO, when it comes to graphics, gameplay, and so forth. Notably, I've never played the PlayStation3, so I can't say how that compares to the XBOX360. Also, I guess it would be notable to mention that, a few months ago, my XBOX 360 just spontaneously quit working, and just yesterday I had to spend what seemed like four million hours on the phone with the XBOX people scheduling a repair (which they have agreed to do, free of charge, BTW). But, when it worked, it was great.
  15. DJ, care to give a synopsis of what the game is about (e.g., storyline, basics of gameplay)? I've seen advertisements for it and thought it looked cool, so I'm curious to know what it's about.
  16. Putty, you could have just stopped at #1. Adrianna Lima > * Kthnkbye. http://images.askmen.com/imagesmodel/2001_feb/adriana_lima/adriana_lima_150.jpg
  17. Alex, are you a masochist? It seems like every so often you go out of your way to put yourself directly in the line of unnecessary fire.
  18. Jamie, congrats on the numbers/set-up. Isn't displacement fun? I hadn't seen your Z06 (as I've been out of the loop for a bit) - I dig the black-on-black. Hoping we can get a few pulls in sometime. The kinks on my end have seemingly worked themselves out, so maybe we can get something going this spring. Black C5 Z06 vs. Black C6 Z06? Regardless, congrats again. EDIT: Proofreading owns me.
  19. You had me at dancing, colored, "multi valve engine" graphic.
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