Saw it last night. Definitely one of the best five movies I have ever seen, period. I'm ranking it up there with the LOTR movies, which is, for me, about as good as it gets.
BTW, I went into this movie with a lot of skepticism. I'm old school, I had Transformers as a kid, I watched the cartoons - I saw the original Transformers movie in the theater - so I know the story lines, the background, and so forth. In short, I was expecting to be disappointed. I was not.
A few random thoughts. Warning, the following could be perceived as *SPOILERS*.
- I wish Megatron would have been featured a bit more in the movie. He's always been my favorite, so I was hoping he'd get more screentime. Though, honestly, I thought they did a good job with him in terms of his demeanor, the dialogue, and even his appearance. They certainly captured the essence of Megatron.
- the sequence with Starscream toward the end - transforming repeatedly while taking out a squadron of planes - was perhaps one of the coolest sequences I've ever seen in any movie.
- the chick with the dark hair and blue eyes is a future ex-Mrs. Tilley.
- at the end, after the battle with Megatron, does Optimus say something to effect of "Sorry, brother, I had no other choice" or was that the kid? I was a little confused on that one for a few reasons.
- who LOL'ed when Jazz said, "What's up little bitches?"
- this movie should break every fucking movie box-office record known to man. It deserves it.