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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I think he deserved to be ejected too.
  2. Must be nice for teams like TCU to end their season with a sure victory. They might as well be playing a FCS team.
  3. I hate danielson and demented Vern more than I hate 90s Brent musburger - which is saying a lot.
  4. Okay, fair enough. And if I was TCU I would absolutely try to score 100 points today. No mercy whatsoever.
  5. Why are you anti-Oregon? And don't say because we played them in the Rose Bowl.
  6. TCU is taking Iowa State behind the woodshed.
  7. I hope Jeffro is just trolling you. If he isn't trolling you, then you're trolling got to him.
  8. I think there's a shot (50 percent, if I had to put odds on it) we get in with a win, regardless of what everyone else does - provided that the committee puts their money where their mouth has been all year long and they give preference to conference champions (and champions who won through a championship game). I believe Ohio State will have the better SOS (vs. either Baylor or TCU) and they will be the only one of those three to have played in a conference championship. So, on paper, there's reason to argue they deserve to be in over either of those teams. The problem, of course, is Ohio State's loss, which is worse than either Baylor's or TCU's - however, the committee could easily list the losses as being as lesser importance than other things, like SOS and overall body of work. If TCU loses, we are in. If Florida State loses, I would assume we are in (barring some catastrophic, weird scenario in which the committee put both Baylor and TCU in and left us out). If Bama loses, I would assume we are in (barring the committee keeping Bama in and only dropping them to #4). Baylor winning today helps keep the pressure on the committee to not put TCU in above them in the final rankings. That, in a weird way, helps Ohio State, since Baylor is below Ohio State. Thus, logic would dictate if Baylor must be over TCU (by virtue of head to head), and Ohio State must be over Baylor (by virtue of SOS), then Ohio State must be over TCU. Alternately, if Baylor loses today, then it weakens TCU's SOS and further exacerbates their only loss. That could be enough to vault Ohio State up above TCU even with a TCU win. Who knew we would care this much about Baylor football at the beginning of the season?
  9. Mighty Alabama kneels before the feet of lowly Mizzou today. And the meek shall inherit the earth...
  10. 1. You mean touchdowns, not "possessions" - right? 2. If Ohio State loses, then there's no way they are still in consideration for #4 slot.
  11. Great question - I contemplated the same thing. It certainly creates a conundrum. Oregon likely deserves to be #1 (regardless of what Alabama or anyone else does today), as they look to be playing the best and will have the best resume. However, making them #1 punishes them by forcing them to play in the Sugar Bowl when the Rose Bowl would be far more convenient for them. If this were BB, then it's a no-brainer: Oregon would be the overall #1 seed and would get placed in the West bracket. I bet the committee will wish it had the power to select which teams play in which bowls - that is, they'll regret being locked in to sending #1 vs. #4 to the Rose Bowl.
  12. Oregon looks really fucking good. They just curbstomped (1) a highly ranked team (2) in a championship game (3) in likely the best league in football this year (4) and a team that had beaten them previously. It erases any and all doubt who the best team in the Pac12 is and, in my mind, erases any doubt that Oregon can easily win this whole thing. They are finally playing defense - which makes them look just about unstoppable. I'm a closet Oregon fan, so I'm happy to see them playing this well. And Mariota probably (and deservedly) wrapped up the Heisman last night. He has been flawless all year long.
  13. You're forgetting to include the $150,000+ for your transgender surgery and hormone treatments.
  14. Only way to improve it is to put my abs somewhere in there - but then no one will know there's a BMW in the picture. I voted #3, which is what 9 other incredibly intelligent and handsome people picked as well.
  15. No Les is just an idiot - Les being Les
  16. Then I stand corrected. Only one LOL then, which is Nebraska. Or maybe I will give Nebraska both LOL's - they probably deserved 2 of them.
  17. LOL at Nebraska and Florida. Both those hires are yawns. Florida is considered by many to be a top 5 job. Especially laughable is Nebraska, who just fired a coach that consistently won 9 games a year (and just won his last game) and was under substantial scrutiny to justify Pelini's firing with a quality hire.
  18. McElwein to Florida - just saw that when I went to look for the Riley to Nebraska information.
  19. I like your style. Everyone, if Ohio State pulls through for us, then we'll be all be able to drink and toast jive. And, by jive, I mean me.
  20. Yup id think there would be several NFL owners who would readily give up a lot to get him as their coach.
  21. I thought he meant you didn't care about it back then because your wife didn't tell you who to root for before then.
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