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medium fast

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Posts posted by medium fast

  1. And I'm the worthless one?


    Please tell me you don't wear gear because when you wind up on the curb for being a squid I'm going to fucking show up at your hospital and laugh at you.


    Last time I checked my "USELESS SELF" rides with gear on.






    I was wearing gear, I had my seat belt on the whole time.




    If anyone can stop and pick up my trans from the side of 270, I will give them $50. Thanks.

  2. I would really recomend just buying a new Hobart 210, I spent $1,100.00 on mine new from TSC. I have had it for almost 4 years, and only one problem from me over using it on full power. They completely covered everything under warranty. Then you can also get the mini spool gun for aluminum.
  3. I really hope that was a reference to an amazing movie with the "I had to return some video tapes"... if it was not this post is more worhtless then Thorne himself.
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