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6 Speed S4

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Posts posted by 6 Speed S4

  1. Damn they make you work Labor Day? I'm in the car business to, we close for Labor day, Memorial day, July 4th, etc.


    I've never requested those days (the days you requested) off before but I'd never consider it, tends to be a really busy time for me.


    You're probably just gonna have to reschedule.


    Naw labor day we are closed. I think the boss man mean't no vacations extending past the 3 day weekend.

  2. He mentions that "he thought" time off around those times had already been discussed.


    So the question is, is it noted anywhere in your policies that you can't take those days off of those days will specifically require approval in order to be taken off?


    ...other than the e-mail he sent AFTER your request.


    Not sure I'd be very happy if they made up rules after the fact, but if they were laid out previously I'd eat the flight cost and just work.


    No handbook given out to me but not that I recall it was ever discussed with anyone. Im about to double check.

  3. Then I have no idea why your boss is being a dick, but he isn't instilling a lot of loyalty in his employees with this.


    Worst case scenario, you still have "sick" days saved up right?


    Yes I do, I've been sick one time before we even opened and took 2 days off. Other than that never took a sick day.

  4. just so I understand the time line:


    1) you put in for time off but it is not approved

    2) your parents booked a flight

    3) your boss offhandedly tells you he is probably not going to approve your time off

    4) your boss sends email

    5) as of right now your time off has still not been approved


    did I get that right?


    I'm with Exodus - take the issue to HR and see what they say. If you just take the time off from work without approval you are giving your employer a pretty good reason to fire you (whether he will or not is completely up to him).


    I am assuming you work for Dublin Chevrolet. I am not sure how busy car dealers are around the holidays but I imagine pretty busy what with end of year deals and incentives, the rush to clear the lot of leftovers before they take a depreciation hit, plus the small tendency for people to buy cars as xmas presents for their spouses.


    The problem your manager has is that everyone wants off for the holidays, and some of those people have more seniority than you so he is letting you know that despite your early request if someone more senior than you puts in for the same time and it short hands him in your work area he may not be able to approve.


    I would also try to soft touch it with your boss, make a case why he should approve your time vs someone else's. Maybe you haven't seen your folks in a while and it's really important to them, maybe its a special anniversary. Butter him up while selling him a sob story and maybe he'll be sympathetic and cut you a break. Or not. From what I hear car dealers are a brutal place to work.


    Correct on the time line. And no one has more seniority than me, I've been here since day 1 before we even opened the dealership. I will end up talking with HR and see what they say. But I am going to go on my trip one way or another whether they say I can or not. But hopefully they will approve it just the one time.

  5. It hasnt been approved as of yet, I sent the request in a month ago, so 4-5 months notice. But he came to me today and said he doesn't think it can get approved.


    Hes actually a good boss, but this pisses me off.


    I work at a Chevy dealership in Dublin.

  6. So I put in a time off request for Dec. 25th christmas - through 29th Monday. Coming back 30th for work. I figured shouldnt be an issue, didnt matter if it wasn't paid time off or not since we have only been open 8 months.


    So my parents went ahead and booked my flight, I didnt see any issue with it. Forward to today, my boss says we probly cant approve your time off. I told him the flight is booked already doesn't matter if I don't get paid for my few days off.


    (Friday/ and Monday) Then he sends this email out to everyone right after I spoke to him.


    "I thought we had discussed but here is a refresher about time off etc especially during the Holidays. All of those days are restricted and the days in between ,especially because of our size and because it creates issues amongst staff members. Foe example Thanksgiving and requesting Friday is a no fly zone likewise with Christmas and New Years ,labor day etc."



    So now I don't know what to do now. Flight isnt refundable and I think I'm just going to go reguardless of what they say. Its 2 days off since its a holiday and through a weekend.... whats everyones thoughts?

  7. They do have center caps with them. The do have curb rash but not extreme.These retail at $1500.00 each. Heres a link to what the look like except mine are gun metal. I'm asking $850 CR price. They all have minor curb rash but no bends or cracks. 5x120 bolt pattern



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