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Everything posted by coopster

  1. it is a 15 in audiobaun eternal series for sale i want 100 for it http://www.audiobahn.com/Audiobahn06/pages/woofers.html
  2. if this is the one i think it is the car was a 93 pgt had bad frame damage i only know that cause i got it and had to find out the hard way about fram damage now its just a pile of scrape metal
  3. send pics to coopster2776@yahoo.com
  4. to bad it wouldnt have fitted around a 62 lol good luck on salin good price
  5. yea do the ban cause u guys would reather see porn on here because it dont make u all jump and wet ur self i have a 1 year old that laughed at it when i recieved it and most people in this forum and only this forum whine more then my 1 year old
  6. sorry if it made u go wet ur self no more gayer then them ones they put on here with the mazes
  7. http://pub.sinuspl.net/flash/Jingle_Bells_Reversed.swf
  8. well its funny i just looked threw the whole thread and i only see once where u finally said no trades where u got 5 i dont know and u started out trade but its all good my atv worth a lil more then 500 bucks anyways later
  9. would u be up for atv trade 04 honda 300 ex
  10. coopster

    WTB: amp

    what kind and size u lookin for i have a poineer 760 75 bucks u pic it up
  11. man wish i had tha cash or something to trade yea me and my family have a trip comin up and a flordia vacation comin up and that would be nice to have just for the room and all for my 3 kids lol maybe u will have it when i get some money
  12. coopster

    1982 monte carlo

    i tried to send u a pm back dont know it worked or not if u didnt get it just email me at coopster2776@yahoo.com l8ter
  13. coopster

    1982 monte carlo

    no it aint up for sale sorry
  14. coopster

    1982 monte carlo

    its all good but would still like to see picks i might want car to drop my old suped up 327 doan in it
  15. coopster

    1982 monte carlo

    sorry readin it again is the motor blown as in no good or blown as in blower lol
  16. coopster

    1982 monte carlo

    well i got a 1993 thunderbird sc that needs head gaskets redone it runs but i wouldnt know how long it has the 3.8 supercharged motor body and interior is in awsome shape but would need to see pics of the car first before i would be sure about a trade
  17. coopster

    1982 monte carlo

    sorry i guess u would need a email addy huh lol its coopster2776@yahoo.com
  18. coopster

    1982 monte carlo

    u have any pics and what u lookin trade up wit
  19. no its my friends truck hes just want to sale it out
  20. pics sent hope aint to big dont know how to shrink them lol later
  21. i have a 1997 ford ranger for sale it is green in color newer tires new o2 sensers and front brakes has 79127 orginal miles on it and askin 3000 obo i cant get pics on here so if u want some give me ur email addys
  22. let me talk to the wife we live out in country on a farm and she would have plenty of room to run. how big is she and how big will she get
  23. a hoosier is someone born and rasied in indiana and a good movie about basketball and a coach from indiana
  24. would u be up for any trades i have a poineer 760 amp and a 100disc cd changer wit suround rc made by technic its not a 5.1 surround but its nice pm me if ur up wit a trade or whatever
  25. yea was wondering if they was 5 lug and if u would be interested in maybe a trade for a poineer 760 amp or maybe a 100 disc cd changer and reciever made by technic and if u would send me some pics so i can see what they look like my address is coopster2776@yahoo.com thanks
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