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Everything posted by TheHaze

  1. TheHaze


    Nice car. Where in Ashtabula are you at?
  2. TheHaze

    NHL Playoffs!

    I hate Nashville but right now I love them.
  3. TheHaze

    Ufc 83

    Frenchie ftl. Serra pwnt him last time and all he did was bitch and make excuses.
  4. You're still using faith to a degree that those people existed. You're just picking and choosing.
  5. I fit well in Miatas. Then again, I like a car to be more snug fit then have a lot of room.
  6. Right click on "My Computer" and go to Properties. It shows at the top under "Windows Edition". It will actually say "Service Pack 1" if you have it.
  7. My Vista system takes around 2 1/2 minutes. I don't get how people "don't understand" how to use Vista. It's basically a prettier XP with a different style of menus, for the people that don't go further then that. There's a whole slew of cool stuff you can do with it, but for the average user, there's nothing to it.
  8. http://i.l.cnn.net/cnn/2008/US/04/15/pope.us/art.pope.sticker.gi.jpg
  9. I like how ugly it is. My kinda truck.
  10. TheHaze

    NHL Playoffs!

    The Rangers - Devils game last night was fantastic. So quick and aggressive.
  11. I don't know what class your Stang would be in, but the RSX wouldn't get very abused. You rarely shift other from 1st to 2nd. Very scarce shifting into 3rd, if at all.
  12. It said Corvette on the side of it.
  13. A ton of photographers were there and one has uploaded pics so far: http://hyperperformance.smugmug.com/gallery/4715803_LntnW#P-1-15
  14. TheHaze

    gun control?

    Having the freedom to own a gun as a citizen is a last stance against having a dictatorship. It also helps knowing if the U.S. was ever attacked stateside during a war, citizens can form militias easily.
  15. I was the sloppy-font #8.
  16. Despite feeling like crap today, I had fun. The timing things were down during my runs, but I was probably slow as hell anyway. I even hit the rev limiter in first. The weather is looking a lot nicer next week, so that shall be fun! Neat fact of the day: I was chatting with the older dude in the newer green Mini, and apparently he traded my current car in for the car he was driving. Same color and everything. Complete chaos. I also forgot to ask about this. Do they have a number I can call or a website?
  17. I'll give you $2.50/hr to keep my car clean. "Get in there boy, real nice and deep-like!"
  18. What's the latest someone can get there, still check in, get their car teched and walk the course?
  19. Sweet. I got some painter's tape for tomorrow then I'll ask about that. Thanks Ben. Also, what time do the people who registered online usually show up?
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