While I can't say I admire his choice of words, I chose not to respond considering her choice of words. As a teacher's son, I know the role of teachers and their given-oath to educate children; I cannot understand the honor she would have in hoping for Rick's kids to have a poor education. She lashed out in that typical over-emotional sense when someone feels they have been indirectly insulted.
I don't consider myself to be defending Rick, as I've never met him and don't really know him; hell, look at where I came in to this thread, much of the insulting had already been thrown around. Looking back at his first post, it didn't seem to be much more then a laugh about what someone else sent him. However, I can see that he may have had greater or even harmful intentions, though it seems the first posters in this thread almost wanted him to be hateful.
I guess what struck me the most was that you pulled out the "IQ and achievements"-card again, after doing it to a close friend of mine in his intro thread when all he was doing was joking.