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Everything posted by TheHaze

  1. I don't think he was denying it.
  2. I have one and know 2 others who do. That's 4/3, aka Camaro math.
  3. LOL +1 on the crispiness. Also, biscuits with entire container of honey ftw.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if they were actually trying to nuke the U.S. but this happened instead.
  5. If by auto you mean double-clutch paddle-shifters, than yes.
  6. I don't think you understand me completely. I may disagree with homosexuality, but I don't think it should be a lawful issue in the first place. Basically, if there was a vote to nationally ban gay marriage, I wouldn't even vote because I don't care if it is or isn't banned. It is wrong for people to waste this much time on a "gay" subject ( ) when real issues are at stake like the economy or foreign affairs. ...and I'm not a Christian.
  7. LOL I searched "gay Audi" on Google images and this came up: http://ak.static.dailymotion.com/dyn/preview/160x120/7629457.jpg
  8. http://popseoul.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/kimjihoon.jpg
  9. I'll give you a hint on who gave you the negative rep: It was me. It wasn't for your comment though, it was because Pizza Hut pizza sucks.
  10. Wrong, 135i Coupe has twins. http://motoringfile.com/pictures/1series_tii_1.jpg
  11. Looks good, but the orange is tacky. Auto trans and 4200lbs( ) is deal killer.
  12. It's because, like it says, you have a short credit history. That doesn't mean you have bad credit, just that you don't have enough experience with payments and loans. So you'll just have to settle for smaller loans or put in larger down payments.
  13. This looks much better: http://www.tuningnews.net/news/080228a/mtm-audi-r8.jpg
  14. You probably shouldn't get an e46, they're kinda lame. That's why I'm getting one soon.
  15. Welcome to the big government that America has grown into. It's sad really.
  16. Some people are just better than others at resumes and interviews. I used to have the same problem until I "bluffed up" my resume a bit.
  17. Gawd I love you, in a completely harmless and heterosexual way, of course.
  18. Although this sucks for you, think of it this way: you just provided a plethora of comedy for all of CR to enjoy. Thank you.
  19. Godamnit. If nobody ends up getting it, I'll take it.
  20. I think it is good that there's a "play area" for the retarded kids here.
  21. EXACTLY how I was thinking. I kinda feel sorry for Rocco now, though.
  22. ...And Tiger is now $8 million richer.
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