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psi nrg

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Posts posted by psi nrg

  1. I can drive my car prefectly while talking on the phone... women on the other hand seam to be in a whole different world I cannot count the number of times ive been in a hurry to get somewhere and some ass hole is in the left lane doing 60 or 55 and refuses to get over so I end up passing them on the right and sure enough its some stupid cunt in he big ass suv on her phone not paying attention
  2. I used to never see him but lately its downtown cleveland at the bars. I agree with the whole beating his ass thing it should get the point across, But I'm not just going to walk up to him and punch him in the face. If he does happen to swing on me then I would most definately but until that happens I guess I'll just ride it out.
  3. I think it has to do more with how much you have made in the last year. I am on unemployment now and Im getting 328 a week and I am single unmarried no kids. Because my old job I was making 13.50 an hour plus overtime working about 60 hours a week quit that job cause I hated it and Picked up a landscaping job to pay the bills making 11 an hour so....
  4. Wow you basically said he was a punk, but you couldn't seem to be able to write a serious post without sounding like one yourself. Makes others wonder if there is more to the story or atleast things are different than what you make them out to be.




    How am I sounding like a punk? There is more to the story about the few times we saw each other. But I didnt want to write a novel I summed it up as best as I could. He bascially thinks I slept with her which I didnt I never even put a move on her. Once I found out she used to date one of my old friends I asked around what their deal was and I got mixed answers like they are still together they are on a break she told me she was done with him. She also was from out of town and had no one to hang with. She moved to Ohio to be with him blah blah but she didnt really know anyone but his friends and she didnt want to be around them. I never went out on a date with her by ourselves it was always with a group of my friends. He got mad I was even hanging out with her after the whole incident at the movies I stopped talking to her like I had said.

  5. Over the summer I met this chick at a local resturant, she was cool we exchanged numbers and went out a few times. Well turns out she had been dating a old friend of mine which I had no idea about. Moral of the Story he got super pissed and wanted to kill me/ fuck up my car/ blah blah... Well one night this girl and I were leaving a movie and he heard I was up there and he attemped to jump me ( basically jumped on my back and tried to choke me out) I rip his arms apart and toss him off me and he stombles to his feet and runs off... Well I stopped talkin to the chick cause I didnt want to deal with the drama but this faggot cannot get over it and to this day still wants to kick my ass. Hes a punk gangster wanna be thinks hes tough kinda guy. I'm not at all scared of this fool and pretty sure I could hold my own against him if not really fuck this dude up. Im never one to start a fight but if some one swings on me or hits me its on. He always talks mad shit when ever he sees me whether it be out at a bar or what not and always wants to be like lets go out side. Normally If I was in high school I would stomp this mother fucker out but I am trying to find a job as a fire fighter and the last thing I need is to be arrested for assult or something stupid because I whoop this kids ass and he gets upset and decides to press charges and that ruins any chance I have getting hired at a department.


    Any suggestions?

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