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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. yeah im pretty sure all branches get paid the same rank wise.
  2. same here was 165, could eat whatever, drink , smoke and be fine......now im 220, Id pass out if I had pt at 5 in the morning.
  3. and another thing if you do decide to join a branch, im not sure how the other branch's are, but make sure you in top health and mentaly and phy... you will see alot of guys that are in good shape and mentaly weak and just can not do it, or guys that are mentaly strong and just not able to pass standards. bootcamp for marines is 13 weeks long, and some guys get hurt or cant past standards and ive seen guys that have been in bootcamp for over 6months. If you can not past the inital pt, they will put you in PCP its for either overweight or guys that can not pass the standards, and all you do all day long is get your balls busted 24/7 and its dead time, it does not count toward your 13 weeks of training. ive herd its a living hell, so make sure you are in good shape.
  4. If i could of done it all over, I would of not did the mos I did, I was young and wanted to do everything the hard way , so i became a grunt in the marines when I had other better choices for long term, when you get out who cares if you can shoot good, or how many miles you can hump. I would never take the marines back, just my mos. only thing I wish is being in the shape I was, ive gained prolly 70lbs , im a chubby bastard now., but serious listen to what these guys have to say, do whats best for you ect.
  5. man im putting a 4g into my colt too , everyone seems to be doing this after JP's famous colt lol. sorry to thread jack.
  6. welcome to the boards, we have a group of subie people on here that im sure can help you.
  7. This is also very true, its prolly the same in every branch, your going to deal with alot of bullshit,but thats the way life seems to be. you will see this starting day one in bootcamp.
  8. I liked it, If you can put up with somone telling you what to do, its easy. you will learn new things, meet and become close to people, be in really good shape, and see the world. If your going to do it, do it now before you have kids and married.
  9. yeah I know its fake lol its just too funny to see that midget thing flopping around.
  10. HAHAHA this is funny my friend sent it to me, I dunno how true this is, buts its so funny to watch. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article902014.ece
  11. yeah i over read that, my bad
  12. walbro pumps are like 100 bucks new , just go buy one. Anyways how did it spin the bearing? did you buy it that way? did you re place the oil pump when you did the rebuild? is it oem oil pump or some off brand? who re built the motor? still have the external oil cooler on it? rust on the car? That might help you sell the car, GOOD LUCK with the sale. Im in the market for a dsm, just not a fwd one, and one that is bone stock, I will tell people about your car also -jason
  13. boosted98gst


    damn that thing is badass, that thing could be bad news if it was to get in the wrong hands.
  14. this dsm is pretty impressive, anyone know the spec's on it? http://thumbs.streetfire.net/2461d1f9-277f-4af5-bb62-99cb01156072.jpgWyldKardz DSM vs Turbo LS1 vs 750+whp 300ZX vs SC/
  15. he also had a list of bad stuff to say about the new z06 , he liked the performance tho.
  16. how the hell did they make that mistake.
  17. This site has done nothing to affect my personal life, only thing my girlfriend has asked about is, how can we talk about cars so much, she just has no idea, I told her its the same way she feels about going shopping or helping people at her work, its just having the pasion for somthing.
  18. no i have a s13 coupe, but I do think the person who bought some black s14 thats looks like it needs work with a rb25 did buy the car, if its the one im thinking about.
  19. wow cav's are not my thing, but man major props to you,looks as this car wa built right, this car will be putting the hurting on some people this summer on 270.
  20. the only thing in the world faster is a modded one, then you are in the other 10% lol......welcome to the board.
  21. wow one cav with a turbo and no apc stuff. welcome
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