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Everything posted by tg3

  1. Went on most of it in '05. Simply amazing. Word is there's been over 3,000 cars at each stop. I'm heading over to Dayton for the day tomorrow.
  2. http://www.northernautoparts.com/ Ordered a Chevy 350 engine kit. http://www.northernautoparts.com/ProductModelDetail.cfm?ProductModelId=380 They let you upgrade parts to higher performance, better quality, or different sizes where needed for very reasonable price increases. Great deal and quick shipping.
  3. ^^^ Enjoyed Mowgli's post quite a bit. Haven't seen it yet, but yeah I'll admit that I probably will eventually. I just remember almost being killed on the highway home from seening the first one. "Hey I've got a Civic.....I'M VIN DIESEL!" My biggest gripe about the social aftermath of these movies is the disregard for the value of REAL technical knowledge. Kids think that overpriced air filters make them experts... They've probably never even seen a Haynes manual, let alone be able to name 2 of the parts INSIDE an engine block. I also really wish they would stop destroying so many classics in these things. If they've got all this ridiculous CG ability, why not use it for the crash scenes? I almost cried when I saw how many Chargers were killed for the Duke's remake.... It's a pity, I thought they were going to make this one: http://www.starterupsteve.com/flash/html/3_3ast_3_3urious.shtml
  4. Last time I was at Applebees late (on E. Broad) they said that appetizers go back to happy hour prices after 10 but drinks don't. Just FYI
  5. In the small town where I grew up (Coshocton), kids would always hang out in the Wal Mart lot and the local fuzz couldn't/wouldn't do much of anything about it b/c it's considered private property. As long as the property owner didnt file a complaint and nobody did anything reckless they were fine. Eventually I think the Wal Mart owner asked the PD to keep an eye on them and the kids moved on. I dont know how it works here but I'd be interested to know. Anyone ever gotten a citation for 'loitering' or the like in this situation? If they stretch it they may consider it to be 'trespassing' since the store is obviously closed at the time...
  6. Can anyone recommend a good body shop? Specifically for my roomate's '03 Acura CL. Passenger door has some deep 6" scratches from scraping along the edge of a brick wall. If it wasnt so new, I'd give it a stab myself, having done some very basic body work, but other than this the car is flawless and therefore should probably be given to a pro. And/or any Honda/Acura guys have good body work experiences at dealerships? Again, it so new that taking it to a dealer could be somewhat appealing... Thanks
  7. I'll try to be there with my '79 Firebird
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