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Forrest Gump 9

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Everything posted by Forrest Gump 9

  1. Can anyone recommend me a shop that can weld aluminum and do machine work too? Thanks in advance.
  2. Have you check the insurance rate? I vote for a 5 speed Civic too. Or better yet, a 5 speed corolla.
  3. I hate to say this but it's only tip of the iceberg. There's same shit in every programs.
  4. Well, the incentive of being rich. To be honest, if you tax the rich too much they will just simply move to a country where they don't have to pay too much tax. So, in a way the us gov and congress are on to something. They are making America "rich-friendly" so more rich people of the world move here.
  5. 4runner, but the best I ever got was 21mpg on highway.
  6. Amen to this!! 270/33 is more of a cluster foock than 670/71. Oh well, this will affect me a little but not bad.
  7. I've never like Nittos tires. But the scaling seem to be normal. Try to rebalance the wheels and tires and see if they get better. you can get rid of the scaling with a proper rubber melting burn out. Good luck.
  8. Becareful out there my brothers. The last couple days kinda reminiscent of Dec '07.
  9. Well, I thing that I've learned is I'm too poor to buy cheap!!
  10. Hehe, if it hit $2k I'll dump mine. Daddy's getting a Porsche!!
  11. I love watching top gear. I can watch it a whole day. I watched rerun episode with enthusiasm of a first timer. I tried to watch the US version. I actually hoping and believing they'll get better. I watched the whole first season without missing once. This year, the first episode I felt asleep half way thru. They seriously need to do something about their casting.
  12. LOL I like this version better, "Wiskey.Tango.Foxtrox."
  13. So, some smokers can walk by and drop a cigarette butt and blow up half a shopping center is ok to you guy?
  14. According to your profile, I would build the Nova, sell the goat, and keep the Kia as a DD. One project at a time!! Don't bite more than you can chew. And life will throw you a curve ball time to time.
  15. Now that would be a fast way to shut down the "spendy economy" like the US economy.
  16. It wasn't when I first post. The car just sit there and dripping gasoline. The gasoline puddle was about half the size of the car. I just didn't want the damn car blow up the whole shopping center.
  17. I would if it's not in front of my business. On second note, I went back out side and the car is gone. Back to the topic, do I call the police or fire department? Woulldn't said car be a fire hazard?
  18. What would you do if you find a car leaking gasoline on the ground? It's a public parking.
  19. -512 point for the day. Gold is unhurt thought.
  20. OSU should have at least 10 wins this year. Miami, Michigan St., and Nebraska are the ones I worry about. Go BUCKS!! Can't wait for the first game.
  21. Just ran one over with my car. The foocker tored up my undertray. It was a big one too.
  22. Build!! It's more fun. It's your creation. You know exactly what go into the car. And you know what hardship go with it. I find that by the time I'm done building is also the time I'm ready to sell the vehicle.
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