Amen to this.
One year I drove a 2wd Toyota Tacoma the whole Winter and it was probably the best Winter driver to date (for me). I loaded the bed with about 300lbs of weight and that thing just go. Never slid, slide or what so ever.
Another year I drove an Evo RS for the Winter (it's AWD). For most of the time its was pretty good. One time I was stuck driving back from Cincinatti, and that was the scariest drive of my life. It was snowing and the damn car just keep on spin-out whenever I reach 40mph. Everybody was passing me. I actually spun out about five times, with one time a semi was right behind me. I thought I was done! Oh yeah, that drive took five and half hours, usually less than two hours drive. Guess what tires I had on the car?
Sunday night, with all the snow coming down, the road are not clear at all, I again made a trip down to Cincinatti. But this time in my Honda Odyssey minivan. I would rate the road condition was about the same as the trip I was in the Evo. I was able to get down there in two and half hours. The van is FWD with all season tires.
Another thing to remember is no matter what you drive, you cannot escape physic. What I'm trying to say is if you're coming up on me doing 60mph in your 4x4 SUV and I'm doing 40mph in my FWD van and we both need to stop, you're going to be in my back seat.
Please check your tires and drive careful out there (man I sound like an old man)!!