Because I started buying at $18, bought some more at $15, and more now. I'm in for the long run. I can still afford to buy, when it goes into $9.xx that when I'll be in negative for the year.
The NFL Referees are terrible this year. They've came out and apologize two weeks in a row for making mistakes. They need to do somethings about these calls than can win/lost games.
im glad you're realized that. The OSU team that lost to MSU is not the normal OSU team. If yesterday tOSU is line up again Alabama, tOSU would have rush for 600 yards.
Of course you're going to say that. If you really get down into the nitty gritty of things, tOSU is more qualified than any one loss team out there. The one thing than no one can claim is tOSU IS STILL THE CHAMP. And for a legit championship game you got to have the DEFENDING CHAMP in it.