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Everything posted by 77nova

  1. I knew it was fake, its just fucking hilarious.
  2. The exterior looks awesome but the carbon fiber interior looks ugly to me.
  3. http://www.streetracersonline.com/videos/b1.php
  4. 77nova


    Yeah it was, he graduated last year. The kid a broke a different bone almost every month.
  5. 77nova

    Fuck the snow.

    I was at a friends house and it wasn't even snowing when I parked it. And my other car is stuck from on of my neighbors plowing my street when my car was in the street. Well I got both of them out today so I'm not as pissed. My dad brought home his F-350 Whempys vacuum truck and pulled them both out.
  6. 77nova

    Fuck the snow.

    Both of my cars are stuck in snow right now. My Nova is at my buddy Pat's (MegamanEXE) house and my Supra is stuck in a snow drift outside my house and can barley open the damn doors. I fucking hate snow right now...
  7. Compaq's all got better once HP bought them out a few years back. Right around the time E-Machines came out i believe. The only thing that makes it a "Compaq" is the logo on the front. The internals are the same as almost any equivalent IBM or Dell.
  8. Ive been around computer all my life and even hold computer parties (I know I am a fucking nerd but whatever) In my experience, if you buy a computer from a store, just leave it alone. They a all fucking backwards when it comes to compatibility and they are setup to run out of the box. I would say just uninstall all the extra crap that comes with it and leave it. As for brands of computer, it doesn't matter anymore, they are all basically made all the same. From what I have heard, Vista, once up and running will work with 99% of software out there. I have mainly heard complaints about the initial installation.
  9. Ummm.... I say fuck with him, that is really fucked up that he is doing that so humiliate him in a "tasteful" manner and I guarantee he will think twice before be gets his jollies off while you are in the room, or even at all.
  10. This is a much better deal for a bit more money. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=999967200050004&type=product&productCategoryId=pcmcat103700050050&id=pcmprd67200050004
  11. IMHO It is a hell of a deal, but with Vista out now, I HIGHLY suggest getting a computer with 1GB of ram. It is not 'needed' with the new operating system, but it will just help things run more smoothly and save you a headache later on by getting pissed at your computer for going really slow. You can't avoid Vista, Its like judgment day in Terminator, its going to happen. Also, unless you build your own computer, you won't be able to find a major retailer who sells computer at those prices. (Except http://www.newegg.com most likely still has some.)
  12. I just started playing CS S again about a month ago and already broke my old mouse.
  13. I like the rims... As for the rest of the car, it needs pushed off a cliff.
  14. It doesn't really matter if you have FWD, RWD, AWD, 4X4. Just don't drive like a dumbass and you will be fine. As for people with 4x4 trucks that going speeding by, well have fun when your big ass truck has to stop and just keeps on sliding right into someone's bumper. Kill yourselves, please.
  15. 77nova

    Cooper roll call

    Well, looks I am out. Both of my cars are stuck in this ice/snow shit.
  16. He deserves to have his dick shot off with a 12 gauge shotgun.
  17. Looking on how much snow we are supose to be getting this afternoon, I don't know if my car can even drive it to a parking lot.
  18. Ive started to invest my money. I generaly don't spend much, just gas and food.
  19. 77nova


    w00t, snowday! My Nova is a sled in the snow... it won't turn unless I tap th gas to get it to fishtail a bit.
  20. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l238/88supra_2006/spec_seasonal1_600_en.jpg
  21. If my Supra can make it I will go. Hopefully I will have my new turbo in tomorrow after noon. Last I heard about the snow was it is going to hit around 2AM and not stop until late Tuesday, early Wednesday morning.
  22. Thats awesome for me because I am going snowboarding Wednesday.
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