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Everything posted by l36tols1

  1. nope not the tiny one.. it's sorta long.. just want 30 for it it's never been used
  2. nope just the home charger.. I just threw the box away yesterday... I used them probably 15 times I have the wired head phones I used most of the time.. the nextel phone is in like new condition.. I have the car charger for it too
  3. http://www.legitreviews.com/images/reviews/323/motorola_ht820.jpg These are it.. model number ht820
  4. Alright here it goes.. $200 Verizon Wireless Green enV comes with home/car charger extended and regular life battery and holster and I have the music kit somewhere a 64mb memory card $100 Brand new Verizon Wirelses USB 720 air card Verizon Wireless Motorola Q - Sale pending $70 Verizon Wireless Motorola 315 Verizon Wireless Samsung 340 $50 Nextel Motorola i836 Sprint Sanyo MM-8300 Motorola Stereo Bluetooth headphones I forget the model number - sale pending Verizon Wireless Kyocera PC5740 aircard - Sold I also have the 640 express card laying around somewhere - Sold $30 Sprint Sanyo Scp-200 Verizon Wireless Audiovox 8940 - Sold Motorola HS815 bluetooth headset
  5. Damn I was gonna look at a 95 Grand Cherokee tomorrow they only want 1400 that looks like a good investment. And I LOVE Bonnys wish I had one On another note I love how ODOT ALWAYS say they are prepared but the roads always end up looking like shit..
  6. I'm off today yeah my firebird survived 2 Chicago winters with just all seasons on only got stuck once.. But that was my fault doing donuts in one part 2 parts 3 inch thick ice will do that lol
  7. I still can't believe rap has a worst rep then rock does.. That heavy metal shit is thousand times worse then any type of rap song. But anyway R.I.P. Pimp C you will be missed..
  8. yeah that $25 a month aint sweet lol
  9. yes they only list them when actual games are on..
  10. http://www.myp2p.eu Watch them live for free! I was watching all day Sunday
  11. Brings back memories.. man I hope my 49ers get their shit together!
  12. Dammit man now you tell me!! I can't help it the Voyager is just so attractive..
  13. I LoL'd @ this thread only because the thread was created by The "Benz" Guy But seriously well thought out post though.
  14. Got ya I would have even threw in the Q for 80 bucks but forget it now son haahaha j/k good luck with the sale.. fyi - I have a Voyager in my hands!!
  15. if that doesn't go through I will buy it for 80 my damn self!
  16. Dammit! I would have been all over this last month! free bump clean ride
  17. http://superherohype.com/nextraimages/empirejoker.jpg
  18. Yeah I know that is old news but this isn't! http://www.superherohype.com/news/topnews.php?id=6554
  19. Haha I will pass the trade for the Q is still open!
  20. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/football/nfl/11/27/bc.fbn.obit.taylor.ap/index.html?eref=T1
  21. Took me 2 hours! get it to look perfect on my t.v I just got the 47' lg best buy had for 1500 2 hours well spent though that was my first time so I'm sure a more experience person can get the t.v calibrated a lot faster
  22. We are not getting any till friday this is some bullshit!!
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