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Everything posted by l36tols1

  1. I have a sprint LG Fusic you can buy for $70 its pretty much brand new and if I really didn't need the money I would be asking for more.. and also you would have to buy a new charger for it I don't have a charger for it
  2. Not to nit pick but Verizon never got the black krzr The Motorola krzr and the 8600 are two different phones, and only the LG VX-8600 came in black.. You wouldn't want to mess up your sale for listing the wrong phone would you?
  3. Scott I'm free tomorrow and Friday I still haven't got those header gaskets yet But I will call after work tonight
  4. Looks like one of the dogs from the Hulk movie http://www.darkhorizons.com/news03/hdog1.jpg
  5. l36tols1

    VTEC99 is a bitch

    I posted on this thread just cause.. K bye..
  6. I have actually done this before, and it takes to much time and to much money to even make profitable unless you have like a million friends that will do whatever you say. They have meetings every Monday at the Holiday Inn last time I spoke to a perosn that still does it. I went to one of their conventions down in Virginia and stayed at a real nice condo on the wintergreen ski resort. It's definately not for everybody but the head person that was a part of my team made A LOT of money..
  7. Is it me or did that look faster then this Bugatti taking off?
  8. Trailer to said movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNbZE8NX0nk The Japanese verison is based off of.. It was the trailer right before Transformers where Rob had the going away party. A Bad Robot production
  9. I have a 9800 (The V) $85 bucks it yours..
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ16d-qpBEE
  11. Computer Chip..lol Yeah I have seen that before the 15 yr old was a pretty good driver in my eyes..
  12. Yeah I saw twice already the 3rd and the 4th Barricade voice sounds kind of scary! Can't wait for the 2nd one!
  13. I'm just gonna buy V8Beast or Anthonys car once they get tired of them! lol Seriously me being the firebird man that I am I would love to get one of these and drop some type of LSX motor in it http://firebirdgallery.com/2nd%20Gen%20Images/73ta21.4.jpg But I have my heart set on this: http://www.btgmotoring.com/albums/albums/Shows/LA_Auto_Show_2006/Chevy_Concept_Camaro_02-425.JPG 2009 model year of course
  14. l36tols1


    Appreciate it..
  15. Cool thought that was you.. I work at the Verizon store right there on Sundays stop by sometime so I can check out the car.
  16. l36tols1


    Just pm me your number and I can see what I can do for you.
  17. Hey did I see you today on Rt 23 I was in the silver firebird and I'm pretty sure you were looking dead at me.. but back on topics I used the rain-x car wash and it works pretty decent I will be switching to Megs.
  18. Very.. definately not worth the price whoever goes from a pda to a I-Phone will be highly dissappointed. Not sure if you anyone has seen the replacement for the PPC-6700 its the Audiovox 6800 and so far sprint are the only ones that carry it that phone is SWEEEET! and half the price of the i-phone and does TWICE as much and its thinner then my en-v!!! Verizon will get it in a few months the 6800 that is..
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