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Posts posted by mmrmnhrm

  1. Has anybody tried this thing out? While doing a most excellent job detailing my car over the weekend, Andy spotted a pair of spots on the hood about the size of a #2 pencil lead where a truck had kicked up a pebble and nicked the finish. They've got a website here, or if anybody has a better suggestion, I'm all for it. Touch-up kit should be arriving at the dealer's in a couple days.
  2. I was surprised to see so much hating on the bra, but after taking it off Sunday afternoon so I could give the car a quick washing, I can definately see why that's so. Not only was getting the clips off (and then back on) a pain, I was rather surprised at how much gunk had collected in there after just two weeks! So with an appt with Andy set up for a Sunday morning detailing, I'm definately going to leave the main body section off and keep all that quarry dirt from collecting in the folds. How about opinions on just the hood piece? I didn't see any dirt trapped in there, and it's the only place on my old car where paint had actually started chipping away from the sheet metal.


    Mallard: I appreciate the article, but in all fairness, I don't trust *anything* written by a marketing agency. Microsoft alone has proven more times than they should have been allowed that those who buy the study get to buy favorable results. Something from Motortrend, Car and Driver, or Consumer Reports, sure. "CNW Marketing Research"? Nuh uh... I can't believe across 10 (or more) years, that any hybrid uses more energy than an SUV, and they're certainly a lot more reliable (which is *big* in my world).

  3. Not that it helps us Columbus folks much, but anyone going to OU (or just passing through Athens) can get just about anything at Haffa's music, underneath the Chinese restaurant (China Garden, I think... they had this natty pink canopy when I went there) on Union.
  4. Laser is actually an acronym for 'Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation'. It's that radiation part (and the fact that lasers are used in all sorts of surgical type stuff) that puts it into FDA territory.
  5. I rarely need to drive that segment unless I'm going to Tuttle, but if more cops equals fewer assholes with cellphones to their ears, going 90+ mph and cutting across 3 lanes of traffic, I'm all for it.


    My coworker, however, should probably stay off 33 and 42 for the next few months. Anybody know how I can sneak a govenor on his throttle before he gets locked up?

  6. Ok, like the group heading says, "hello to me." Heard about this site through a former coworker (who appears to have something of a following here), and figured I'd check things out and try to learn a bit more about actually taking care of my wheels. Granted, I can do basic stuff like oil changes and tire rotation easily enough, but it'd be nice to actually know what the mechanic is telling me went wrong, instead of having to just take him at his word. So, this being the newbie area and all, basic stats on my ride (and try not to laugh too hard) :)


    '06 Honda Civic Hybrid, not quite three weeks old. It's about as stock as you can get, apart from adding on their splash guards, wheel locks, and a front nose bra (my drive to work involves a fair bit of farmland and going past a quarry). It's the nose bra that brings up my first question :)


    When going to wash it, should I take it off? The Immke service coordinators said don't worry about it, the wind will blow everything through. That seems rather odd to me, and having grown up in the salty realms of Cleveland, none too bright as it would probably leave deposits behind. What do you guys think?

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