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Posts posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. the new challenger, like all dodge vehicles, looks like 200 lbs of bird shit.


    the camaro looks nice, but id like to see it on the road. it seems like theyre taking forever to get it on the road. id also like to see what the base models actually look like. the 22s on the concept prrrobably wont make it to production.

  2. Those are almost the general OSU/OU rules. I would gladly play in this tourny over some I have played in the past. Some people have the most fucked up house rules EVER.




    No blocking the bounce.

    two re-racks (common UK rule)

    Re-rack after EVERY CUP MADE

    You dont drink all the remaining beer if you lose

    No order in how the cups are set up...also known as Minepong or scatter-pong

    No redemption...first to hit the last cup wins


    The list can go on and on.


    The rules I try and play with everywhere I go are as follows:


    -Ten cups, 3 beers per side

    -Bounce you can swat but if it goes in counts for two

    -Bitches Blow

    -Both team members make a cup the balls come back (rollback)

    -Both team members make the SAME cup (death cup) game is over

    -One re-rack, cannot be in the middle of a turn including rollbacks

    -"Touch-ups" are acceptable and can happen in the middle of a turn

    -REDEMPTION, aka the end of the game is where the most differences between houses occur (my opinion) - if one opposing team member hits the last cup the other team has to hit one cup to continue the game. If both opposing team members hit the final cup game is over. The cups are not drank if the game continues. To me, this is harder and keeps the better players on the table.


    Do you guys play on homemade tables or regulation pingpong tables? That's another thing that kills me when traveling...I'm so used to shooting on a fullsize pong table that when I play on shorter tables my shot is fucked up. It normally takes a game or two to ajust.


    PS - I would def be down for a tourney...21+ please. ;)



    those sound about right. ive hardly ever played on an actually ping pong table. lack of space usually confines the tables to a much smaller plane.

  3. would the applicable mod please delete this thread. it was posted by someone who cannot properly spell the word "discuss," and is also giving half the posters in this thread the idea that the giugiaro concept mustang, designed over a year ago, is the 2010 model mustang.
  4. I also forgot to add the Lone Ranger rule, if there's a cup that isn't touching any others and you call "Lone Ranger" you can only hit that cup, but if you do you get the ball back. i'm not much of a pong player, but i'm a lone ranger sniper.


    i think were more likely to play by the general osu/ou rules.

  5. Wait am I the only one looking at a car that is completely covered. Seriously how can anyone judge the way it looks that way. For all you know that cover could be padded to change the lines of the car.


    seriously. you cant see shit. i mean.. sure its gonna look fugly with tons of camo. they havent made an ugly mustang since the early 80s. i dont see it happening now.

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