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Everything posted by Exodus

  1. Exodus

    GOP 2016

  2. Exodus

    GOP 2016

    Trump: On the conspiracy note, I believe trump is just a fall guy implanted by the left to make the GOP look bad. However, I do appreciate his ability to stick to what he says and not get swayed by the public no matter how bad it is. Carson: I think he is pretty intelligent. Clinton: She has more skeletons in her closet than anyone else on the ballot. Rand: I appreciate his libertarian tendencies. Sanders: No. Just no. Absolutely not. I can't say I honestly believe the system isn't rigged and that our presidents aren't chosen for us. If they are not, I'm sure they are all at least controlled.
  3. Probably a distraction from Chinas stock market. But seriously, I hope that are strong through this.
  4. Exodus


    I would like one for around 7k even 7500. I hope its enough.
  5. Take down the fence and hand them a brochure for an invisible fence from lowes.
  6. Sweet drone especially if you convert it to RF with a nice transmitter.
  7. And that's why I keep a gun at home.
  8. Lol... What rules? I don't believe a thing that comes out of the markets here either, nor do I have a solid expectation of anyone to follow the "rules"
  9. Terrible to see people lose money in this market. Waiting for it to happen here next. A Greece or a Zimbabwe can happen here in the us.
  10. Here you go: https://www.tradecarview.com/used_car/japan%20car/suzuki/cappuccino/16042260/
  11. Damn. Forgot all about mautofied. I'll wait another year and save a few grand lol
  12. Agreed. I've had my heart set on a Honda Beat for some time now and I decided I am just going to wait until next year or the year after to import it under the 25 year rule. For anyone who doesn't know what a beat is, here it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_Beat http://media.use.com/images/s_1/a7b4f42b4b704fa7634a.jpg
  13. Contact my guy at Concord/McQuate Brokerage Services. His name is Mike McQuate and he will take care of all the paper work whether it be over or under 25 years of age. They can also do shipping. His number is 614-738-3887.
  14. Exodus

    Windows 10

    I am. No it will not
  15. As the title says. Pm me.
  16. Exodus

    CR Stock Watch

    I really appreciate the work that Mike Maloney has been doing over the years to call attention to current and future market issues. This was him at a Sochi bankers conference talking about oil deflation He mentions it again in this video
  17. My most recent purchase was from China. Of course no sales tax lol https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XGEYU26/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_HELRvbCC7VYER
  18. I've been getting taxed on amazon fulfilled orders.
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