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Everything posted by Exodus

  1. Eliomotos.com. Click on news for dates and times at Polaris.
  2. lol well... I've had my eye on a Honda Beat for awhile now. http://i57.tinypic.com/8yx7nk.jpg
  3. They say it will be titled as a motorcycle but in Ohio won't require the motorcycle endorsement. If your 18 and under you'll need a helmet driving this car.
  4. It was extremely roomy on the inside and comfortable. They are pushing for Sept 2015, we'll see what happens. They will be at 2800 airport drive until 9pm tonight.
  5. Homewood suites at the Airport http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/urupa6eb.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/a2yqymyd.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/vevu8ama.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/y9ybapub.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/8e3y5a6u.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/datyheta.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/6yju5uny.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/8y2u7u3a.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/zu6yqara.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/vepupe3y.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/meze3uhe.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/19/u2etagu7.jpg
  6. Exodus

    Game of Thrones

    Love GOT Also been checking out halt and catch fire.
  7. Exodus

    New CR Group

    Does this count? http://i57.tinypic.com/vr6ia0.jpg
  8. Wondering why cps had to get involved?
  9. Kid twirls pencil in class, and gets kick out because it looked like a gun... The CPS threatens to take child away for abuse? Am I getting this right? http://pix11.com/2014/06/10/nj-dad-says-state-is-threatening-to-take-away-son-after-pencil-twirling-incident/
  10. Anyone ever hear of Der Spiegel?
  11. What alternative media sources do you guys tune in to? I try to avoid CNN, MSN, ABC, FOX, Washington post, NY Times, etc.
  12. Dang. Wish I wouldn't have bought a new bed last weekend.
  13. Exodus

    New DD

    Awesome! Congrats. I love the color.
  14. Be careful. If you say that they can't pull the race card anymore. You'll just be misogynistic lol
  15. lol I'm confused. Why is it that the race card is the one and only card that can and has been pulled when someone says they do not like this presidency?
  16. I feel like something is going to go down, homeland style.
  17. I think the main point is that the paper we hold in our hands wont last forever, and neither will the digital money in our banks and retirement funds, I think we all know it, but no one really cares to give it any thought. This series is pretty informative, definitely interesting to say the least.
  18. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/06/04/y4amynat.jpg
  19. http://dailycaller.com/2014/05/07/ted-cruz-releases-definitive-list-of-76-lawless-obama-actions/
  20. Agreed, how do we dish up 5 terrorists from the bay for the one dude across the world, whose dad tweets things like: "I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, amen!" But we can't help a soldier out in a Mexican prison.
  21. Something about the whole situation smells fishy to me.
  22. I'm not sure, I know he advocates against paper gold and silver.
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