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Everything posted by Exodus

  1. So I think I can go to school for free? Here is whats going on: I was a love child, so my mom cheated on her husband when I was born so her now ex husbands name is listed as the father on my birth certificate. But for the better part of my life he has raised me and I had his last name. Now my name has been changed to my biological fathers last name and its different. Since he is listed as the father on my birth certificate and is a disabled veteran and makes 0 money each year, can I use him on my fafsa since he is listed as the "father" on my birth certificate?
  2. People like that should be sterilized.
  3. Pi Phi Epsilon from capital? I haven't been downtown downtown in awhile, so i'm about due.
  4. I'm on of 14 brothers and sisters, and all of them are either in jail, on the streets, or fucked up and leech off of anyone they can.
  5. I'll be getting my spiritsmanship. Thats a shot of vodka, shot of whiskey, shot of tequila, and chug a long island. Then all my hoes want me to go with them down to patio Saturday night.
  6. Exodus

    sql nerds

    Joomla!!! Can I use mysql on Linux?
  7. #1 1988 Honda Civic DX Paid 700 bucks and sold the rims for 400 http://i52.tinypic.com/t8l10l.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/2qbuhpx.jpg Traded it for: #2 1988 Audi 90 Quattro http://i54.tinypic.com/2aez3te.jpg http://i51.tinypic.com/2191m61.jpg
  8. http://i51.tinypic.com/vsoppv.jpg notice the Chinese lettering
  9. I just use windows 7 with MC built in. Look up shark codecs
  10. My del slow hates moisture. Snow flakes will fuck my shit up.
  11. http://www.poopsenders.com/order/ I'm putting together a "shit list" right now.
  12. Alright i'm picking you up and you're coming with me to negotiate my plan down.
  13. Head shot bitch! You just got owned!
  14. land line minutes? I went to sprint and it came to 99.99 a month
  15. Tmobile looks like it might have won me over with the 1,000 minutes unlimited everything else plan for 89.99 a month. And the mytouch 4g because its HSPA+ and has a front facing camera just for giggles. Although I wish it had an 8mp camera out back. Its also cheaper if I buy it on amazon.com.
  16. With you there 100% I want one but I am waiting to see what kinks need to be worked out and a better selection of phones.
  17. I like the g2 I just HATE slide out keyboards. I like the HSPA+ network though. I had the nexus one and it was laggy out of the box, same as the droid x i played with on 2.2. How do you feel about WM7 phones?
  18. If I switch to tmobile, what phone do you recommend? I checked out the mytouch "4g" but i'm not really impressed with it. Nor am I sold on android yet..
  19. Thats what it comes to, 2200 minutes, rollover, both unlimited data ($30) and unlimited texting. Plus taxes.. 240.00 for two iphones.
  20. Yup, thats why I kept it when I signed a new contract. But I can terminate my contract for 60 bucks and go to a different provider.
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