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EricZ06 last won the day on October 26 2009

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About EricZ06

  • Birthday 02/11/1985

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    Lewis Center, OH
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  1. Good to hear! Hey also, if you are looking for Mercedes tuning email me we should be able to take care of it here.
  2. Do you mean this one? http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/168772_10150095555719571_133015439570_5977146_1491538_n.jpg
  3. Can't complain, I grew up out of the city it reminds me of home. I will definitely see if that restaurant is still here thanks for the recommendation :-)
  4. Just got an opportunity that I couldn't pass up. My new shop has an engine dyno, cnc machines, plastic injection molding, etc... The owner has been in the performance industry for over 20 years. Good opportunity to learn a lot....
  5. I did used to own ATS with Eric H. If you are thinking that I am the Eric who tuned all the Subaru's I am not.
  6. It just might be Tuning and product design
  7. Hey all, Just wanted to let everyone know that I am no longer at IPS or in Columbus. If anyone needs to get ahold of me shoot me an email - eric@rdpmotorsport.com Eric
  8. Nice to meet you the other night Eric! that littlebit of information has helped me out a great deal. thank you.
  9. No. It was a combination of the charge pipes being too small and the intercooler end tanks not being able to flow that much air. That's why the whole air charge system was redesigned.
  10. OMG you people are amazing........ LOL No Wrong, you do not have to do this, it just helps in the tuning process, IE. Forced Induction kits on stock fuel rails... It's not a good idea to run high intake temps on any car, forced induction or NA...... Yeah it pretty much is..... Been there done that....
  11. A few words on intake air temps...... If a car is properly tuned, intake temps will do nothing except decrease power. Obviously Erik has been racing his car for over a year with the current setup and no problems. The nitrous injection that was installed on the car is only helping the "problem". Basis for comparison: 1) BONE STOCK Roots blower cars (like my GTP) have intake temps of over 200 degrees (this is why they only run 12* of timing, plus they have 60k warranty's with these temps ) ps. My GTP has 180,000 miles on it and is still going strong with 200+ IAT's 2) Many of the supercharged Corvette kits that we install are 170+ intake temps (this is why you can only run 7* of timing but still make 600+rwhp) 3) Mark's Z06 that has trapped 159mph has 190+ intake temps (with a $2000 5" thick intercooler)...... Any air entering the engine above 100* F does hurt performance, but does not cause any other issues when properly tuned. Eric
  12. From a performance standpoint I would recommend to anyone to remove their MAF and go Speed Density. MAF: 1) Causes slower fuel/throttle response 2) Is a restriction to the engine 3) Cannot accurately and consistently meter airflow in high horsepower forced induction and large cam cars You bring up the point of why GM uses MAF's and spent x millions on them and here is your reason.... They have to make their vehicles operate perfectly in a wide range of elevation/temperature and still pass emissions in these conditions :-) How many true race cars use MAF's at the track??? Eric
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