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Habitual Sinner

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Everything posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. You're right. You're the coolest.
  2. It has 2 FP's so the below MUST be right, right?
  3. lol, I take it no one else found your idea to be a good one either.
  4. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xRFNBWST25E/SatzwQlqalI/AAAAAAAADM0/y7FmhB7kIrE/s400/Donk+Limo+Art+Car.jpg
  5. So wouldn't a pro driver be more likely to drive it like it's a race car, instead of the day-to-day drivin car it was meant to be?
  6. The car isn't designed to handle that kind of stress, therefore, testing it in that manor, you can/should expect things to go wrong.
  7. But Vin Deisel was driving it, so it was doing a wheelie, duh.
  8. He was mad because his Blazer is a POS
  9. Nothing to do but shoot him. Not like his insurance will cover the damages since he's at the track.
  10. I think it would've had to pry the hood open instead of the hood flying up and him then hitting the gate, because the only damage to the windshield is where the pole went through.
  11. +1 Noobs don't welcome noobs. lol :bangbang:
  12. Welcome. Nice ride. Needs lowered.
  13. We'll see if this one gets on FB too. lol http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/dover.jpg Kinda like this one did. lol http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/100_09091.jpg
  14. Why?? Now he can get something better.
  15. You just want a 4 cyl. because you're alreay used to being slow... LSX FTW..... Do it.
  16. So..... What about his neon?
  17. He ran out of tampons. lol
  18. http://i758.photobucket.com/albums/xx221/B_Oceander/Thats_Racist_1-3d_phase.gif
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