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Habitual Sinner

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Everything posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. LOL.... You have nothing to be ashamed of. I personally love your car.
  2. You must not know Jeffro all too well then. lol
  3. low 11s (dragging parts on the pavement)
  4. 11.80s if I remember right. And, yes, you DO see 4 air filters.
  5. The second one was the one I got the best pic out of. (Hence me and Wagner comparing pics. lol)
  6. Damn I knew there was one missing. Here ya go. Photobucket was taking too long, so I hit cancel. http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/CR%20Track%20Day%20April%202010/SDC10673.jpg
  7. wow is all i have to say. people crack me up now a days. its a shame that people really think its all about looks. and how do you or anyone know shes not a mother or a wife. is all im saying. to make it clear what im trying to say is that LOOKS ARNT EVERYTHING. and if you'd open your eyes you might see that maybe just maybe not everyone is selfish cuz i know im not and neither is anyone eles i know. and you can think what you want but NO i do NOT judge people by there looks and never have and never will and neither should you or anyone eles is what im getting at my whole main thing to this whole big thing was thats ITS NOT ABOUT LOOKS .. there for DO NOT JUDGE SOMEONE. end of story.
  8. sol740 im not goin to argue with weither i "contradicted" my self on anything because i did not i was simply saying that its is NOT rite to judge a woman on size because calling her fat and posting nasty pictures of a man cutting his eyes out is insulting her and that is judging her by her size. fact of the matter is YES every woman is BEAUTIFUL in there own way and i do not judge men by looks either it isnt like habitual is top of line fit but i love my husband for WHO HE IS not what he looks like and thats what it should be skinny girls are FAR to over rated these days healthy skinny is ok but vicky secret models for fact 70% of them suffer and have been in the hospital for bulimia. so like i said if her bestfriend isnt a tooth brush or her middle finger after a meal thats great. i am a thick woman and i know the other end of the name calling and guys putting me down for what i look like. and im beautiful for more then my body.. im a amazing wife mother and friend and thats what makes me beautiful not my bra size or pants size or how skinny my thighs can be. so speaking for all women dont judge us by our size hips and thighs... judge us for the amazing beings we really are. cuz i mean face it.. with out women.. what would men have.. fast cars and a bottle of lotion and hand. =] no affence guys. and hopefuly you all understand where im coming from. and if you dont.. well i guess thats your own self centerd problems
  9. It's because you went Ford. GM hates you.
  10. That car was pure sex. Never would've thought I'd see it go in the 10's though.
  11. That's what I thought. I can't believe the old man made you guys pull over and wait.
  12. Thanks to the guy with the Cobalt showing up. lol
  13. WTH did you do that for? Not like I was going to drive all the way back out there for it. lol
  14. http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10803.jpg http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10740.jpg
  15. All the ones I got of your car were with your cam. lol
  16. This is Habitual's wife (Mandii) and i think its wrong to judge a woman by her size because personaly if you met me yesterday at TD im not a small girl myself but i think the girl in this video is sexy as hell and just because her bestfriend isnt a fucken tooth brush or her middle finger after every meal like most models is ok with me. but theres nuthen wrong with being skinny either just all on your taste in women.. but its still not good to judge a woman on her size. all women are BEAUTIFUL in there own way. so maybe next time you look at a woman think of her as who she is and not what size pants she wears.
  17. NP.... LOL which one is you again?
  18. Give me my french dressing back! ! ! ! lol j/k
  19. http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10781.jpg http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10783.jpg http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10791.jpg http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10793.jpg http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10800.jpg http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10801.jpg http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10802.jpg http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10804.jpg
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