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Habitual Sinner

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Posts posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. so this is the only fact im confused on. the lane he was in. does it go the opposite direction? or are they both going the same way? reason i ask: if 2 different directions, hes at fault. if both the same direction, then im sorry to say she would be. but im sure your sis is smart enough not to turn left in the right lane. so im guessing it was the first choice. and thats good to hear shes ok. so definatly hes at fault. shouldnt be passing in a residential area in the first place, not to mention going almost double the speed limit in a residential area




    WTF???? Which one is it?

  2. I got pictures of both cars. From the angle of how it happened there is no question. His rate of speed on a 25mph street had to be an estimated 40 judging from where the accident took place and where he came to a complete stop.


    What kind of car was it? Was it the same guy that flew by me when I was helping you with the Taurus?

  3. I've noticed that people over there drive like fucking idiots. I say report it. It's worth the effort. But I'm surprised your mom didn't knock the cop out herself like Steve wanted to lol (she scares me) lol. But it never ceases to amaze me how somehow it always ends up being the black person's fault. Not jumping to conclusions, but that's really what it sounds like. Report him on his misconduct and see where it goes from there.
  4. http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww221/500powered/SDC10277.jpg

















  5. I'd give Justin a $10 rock and give him a head start to his drug addiction. Wait, then give him $5 to punch Beyonce in the face.



    Besause we all know that the child stars of today are the crackheads of tomorrow.

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