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Habitual Sinner

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Posts posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. I just sold a boat on there and the buyer was the first person to reply (an hour later). He came and checked it out, payed half up front , and came back with a truck and the rest of the money the next morning.
  2. I was doing the same thing to them that old white ladies used to do to me.


    What do you expect them to do when you're holding a gun in they're face, yelling "Give me your purse and jewelry!"? ;)

  3. You're so cute. When your arguments are proved invalid you just insult people to divert the attention from your ignorance of your own subjects. Let me try to argue your way:


    Rick, if you hadn't bought your Z06, perhaps you could make your loan payments on time so your creditors don't have to take you to court to get paid (SEVERAL TIMES). Maybe you wouldn't have gotten a judgment against you from the state for failure to pay your taxes. Maybe you should change your custom title from "cashin checks" to "avoiding writin checks" or perhaps even "skirts responsibility".


    You wouldn't happen to be running from your problems here in OH would you? :)


    Your comment regarding being "pimply faced" or "living with mommy and daddy" is so ignorant it doesn't deserve a response (which is a trait shared with the majority of your posts :) ). But allow me to respond this way: To me you are a legal con artist preying on insurance companies and people too dumb to know you don't perform an actual service. You have, however, provided me with hours of entertainment on this board by foolishly arguing with people who have an actual education or the ability to debate. Keep up the good work.


    I hate that I agree with everything you said. lol

  4. I will hang myself when I start caring what a bunch of pimple face little boys that still live with mommy and daddy think of me.




    Not a pimple faced little boy.



  5. Amen to all this is hardly an argument for anything. I do not live under a rock, I have moved to living under an overpass. I am still waiting for ANY logical arguments other than "ur dumb, you retard" to anything I have said. Any takers???? Bring it on!


    You're dumb, you retard.

  6. building a place of worship period is fucking stupid... organized religion is fucking stupid... the billions of dollars spent a year on religion is just insane when it could be spent on better things to help the american people. Or how about getting our national debt paid off.



  7. Yes I can kid, I am talking about NOW, if I had or could afford another $35k car TODAY, I would be at the dealer buying the USED C6 vert not the New mustang. Understand? TODAY this is my option. I can spend my money how I like.


    And anyone saying the C6 interior is inferior because it's plastic, watches to much Top Gear. What, the interior is made of Metal in the Mustang? :nono:


    Verts are ghey. :gtfo:

  8. I always wondered why they were called roofies, 'cause you're more likely to end up on the floor than the roof. They should call 'em floories.


    Or rapies.


    Its just short for Roofalin, which is the correct name for the drug.

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