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Habitual Sinner

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Everything posted by Habitual Sinner

  1. So, Mr. Schnauzie is safe then?
  2. Some dumbass pulled out in front of me earlier and I ate his Geo. If anyone has anything, bumber, hood, drivers side fender, core support, anything, let me know.
  3. Cars move too slow during rush hour. Stay alive until spring, wait until around midnight, then go play on 270
  4. I knew he was the one that said it. I'll kick him in his nuts when I see him.
  5. Well, if you come to my house and see for yourself, and it's not here. I will gladly let you kick me in my nuts.
  6. Well, since I broke my camera, why don't you come to my house, look at my car, then take pics and post them so everybody else can see how stupid you are.
  7. My dads truck broke down in front of it. As sson as I get it out of the way, I'll take some better ones.
  8. Welcome/welcome back. I don't know which to use, seeing as it took you 4 years to make one post. More info/pics or your car.
  9. It's not your nutsack thats gay. It's the sperm swimming around in it. I'm not thinking of your nutsack, I was just wondering how it feels to know that your kids will be gay.
  10. No. The big bag of gay would be the thing located under your penis
  11. http://columbus.craigslist.org/ctd/882274119.html
  12. Black w/ primered body kit. You would fit in perfect with every Mexican on/around the 161 area.
  13. Why in the hell would you ever think such a thing?
  14. Seriously though Phil, why would you want to go wrong wheel drive?
  15. All I can understand from what you said here, is, blah blah blah, I'm gay, blah blah. Is that what you were trying to say? Or did I misunderstand?
  16. Make it so people can only register during the day. All night registrees fail.
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