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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Re read the second amendment you lost a comma. Also must have never studied lexicology. The interrelation of the words is very important. Our standing military has grown due to other counties being a potential threat. "Militias" are still and important part of the second amendment. Look at the civil war. And if you think civil wars in the US cant happen again, you are fooling yourself... Still no one has addressed how I don't understand communism and socialism!
  2. Since the 1930's automatic weapons cannot just be sold to anyone. special permitting is required. Explosives are not legal to own unless you have the right license. So they would be in violation of our current laws.
  3. The three commas in the sentence separates two thoughts. Thought one is that a well regulated militia is essential to the security of the state. Thought two is "the peoples " right to bear arms. It says people, not government. The preamble to the constitution says : "We the people", not we the under signers. The term "people" is used to refer to citizens not the government. The only way for a society to maintain power over the government is to be armed to defend against the government. Why do you think Hitler and Stalin took away the arms from the citizens? It was because they knew that the citizens have a very difficult time revolting without arms. This process has occured many time through history P.S. neither of you have addressed my supposed lack of understanding of socialism and communism
  4. got to be fake...no one makes it to sales manager being that dumb
  5. Way Too Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. What do you think about this? click "The ACLU agrees with the Supreme Court's long-standing interpretation of the Second Amendment [as set forth in the 1939 case, U.S. v. Miller] that the individual's right to bear arms applies only to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia. Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected. Therefore, there is no constitutional impediment to the regulation of firearms." --Policy #47 From their website “I have been to Europe several times, mostly in connection with international radical activities…and have traveled in the United States to areas of conflict over workers rights to strike and organize. My chief aversion is the system of greed, private profit, privilege and violence which makes up the control of the world today, and which has brought it to the tragic crisis of unprecedented hunger and unemployment…Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal”.”--- Roger Baldwin Founder ACLU The way I see it is if you are a white Christian, who loves his nation, believes that we should protect our right to bear arms, and believes in the ideals that our founding fathers put forward in the Constitution. They wont be there to protect you! Are they still FTW?
  7. http://stoptheaclu.com/
  8. I wonder how many people on CR have cats on their exhaust. Good thing we don't have smog check here.
  9. http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/9/90/200px-Israel_Kamakawiwo RIP This is another great album.... http://www.cordinternational.com/pcd808.jpg
  10. If you got the shaft on the final paycheck you can call the Ohio Department of Labor to file a compliant. The will contact the company and do the dirty work for you at no charge to you. That would be a small claims court issue, unless its over 3k. You cannot take them to small claims court for the bill sent to collections. They can take you to court for it. Small claims is limited to monetary claims only. I was just in small claims court this AM for someone stiffing me for 3K
  11. http://www.ratemymullet.com/ I am sure someone on CR has to have a mullet. Own up to it if you have one!
  12. +1 Go yell fire in a crowded building and see what happens to you..
  13. http://www.alohajoe.com I tune in to him all the time I love Hawaiian music, I know I am odd.
  14. Any of the motels on Main St. in Whitehall. Then buy car parts with the left over.
  15. Look at this Al Gore If you go to AlGore.com he has mostly global warming information on there, with a link to buy his movie about global warming. If you cant see that he is a capitalist at heart, you need to go to Pearl Vision. He just uses the smoke screen of a cause to make money Lets break it down.... Tell us we are the reason why the earth is getting warmer(if it really is), gain the respect of the left wing "causeiods", make a movie, get the Hollywood wack jobs to give you an award... Sell more of your movie..... You got to make some cash to keep from flying commercial.
  16. The way I see it the global warming people are "causeiods"... You will jump on a band wagon cause when it comes down the street. Ever notice how the left wing causes come and go. The Baby Seals, No Nukes, Save the Wales, Make Love Not War, on and on. Just wait five or ten years.... you will have another cause to be a "causeiod" about.
  17. I have most likely forgot more about WWII history than you know... I have studied it for about 20 years. The people of Germany knew, they condoned it. The NY times reported what was happening in the 1930's. The elimination of the Jews was outlined in Mein Kampf wriiten in the 20's. Hitler outlined his plans more than a decade before the death camps. Dont believe every thing that is on you high school text books. The people of Germany knew, and condoned it. The Jews were moved by the train loads never to be seen again. After WWI the people of Germany were in such bad financial condition they looked for a scape goat for there feelings. The were angered at the "November criminals" and the rules of surrender that were negotiated restricting the military. Along comes a short guy from Austria that says your problems are due to the Jews we need to get rid of them. They gain power in the Richestag with that platform. The Beer halls of the 20's were filled with this sentiment given by the Nazis. Would the average German kill a Jew them self, most likely no. As long as someone else did it they turned a blind eye. On to the slavery. It began around 1619 in Virgina the first slaves were most likely indentured servants. By the early 1700's slaves were critical to the economy of Virgina. Due to the economic impact of the slave A LOT of people thought is was a good idea. I did not say all of the people, I said A LOT of people. That was easy!
  18. HAOLE


    You are going to get drunk and start touching your dad? I think you may have bigger issues to worry about than shingles
  19. The overwhelming majority of people in 1930 Germany thought it was a good idea to eliminate the Jews. And in early America alot of people thought slavery was the right idea. Just because alot or a majority of people believe something does not make it right.
  20. HAOLE


    The virus stays resident in the dorsal root ganglion, throughout life. The factor for a person developing shingles is related to a malfunctioning immune system that is not able to keep the virus in check. I would not worry. Maybe Kirks5.0 will chime in...
  21. http://www.thebestlinks.com/images/6/62/Astheworldturns2004logo.jpg
  22. So did someone sit and count every polar bear? Polar bear drowning... lets see web feet, and hair that is hollow for insulation (Me thinks they were made to swim ) So you are saying the course of nature is to go towards disorder and decay. Kinda of shoots evolution in the foot! Global warming is going to lead to another ice age? $3.00 per ear of corn here we go!
  23. That is an absolute statement. There are many scientist that believe global warming is crap.
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