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About Pedro1647545510

  • Birthday March 15

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  • Vehicles(s)
    06 GSX-R 600, 300M, Navi

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I had the same issue where mine would run constantly too and never shut up. It turned out to be the board as well. Can't remember how much it was to fix.
  2. Nice!! I'm stocked about that. You can tell he actually wants to play in Cincinnati. Ah.. Hell of a prank; lol. We went to the game on sunday. I was a little worried when it came down to the last few outs of the 9th inning with us trailing by 1. That game was nice. Chapman looked real good. He has a hell of a arm. Everytime we went last year was on of his off days so it was cool to finally see him pitch. Arroyo looked good until the 7th inning.
  3. What was that guy thinking when he did that? I read that story hoping there was just a mix up or something. So much for that. lol
  4. I hope they can keep Brandon Phillips too. He's a good player. I'm looking forward to the season.
  5. I have a battery tender you can borrow if need be.
  6. I see what you did there...:lolguy:
  7. Hmm..... Interesting.
  8. http://survivalandprosperity.com/2012/02/17/86000-m1-garand-rifles-may-be-coming-back-from-south-korea/
  9. The one with the guy that blew off his thumb was the episode that just aired on tuesday. He was from AZ and the other prepper was a firefighter in NYC. The showed a picture of his thumb afterwords; it wasn't much left.
  10. Was this the episode where the one prepper blow off his thumb?
  11. They've changed Putty. The GF and I go shooting quite a bit there. They've been cool every time. I don't know what their deal was when we all went a few years ago. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/feb/08/3/powell-police-investigate-break-in-at-the-powder-r-ar-926001/
  12. I do it as well. It's been a while since I've been. I go with a group from work. It's definitely more fun than poking holes in paper targets.
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