Jacked my credit up a few years ago when I ran into several life changes and in the last year all debts have been paid off with the exception of a small bike loan. I'm wanting to get myself into a house and I'm looking at how to help my credit score recover faster. Last year I went and talked to the bank about a home loan and based on what he saw he said I just needed to get my score back up and suggested getting another credit card as well as trying to have settled accounts cleared off my credit. I've only recently considered the credit card now that all debts and loans (except bike) are paid off. My thoughts are, I'm more disciplined now and have more cash put back, plus if the woman and I get a joint account we could start building a credit history for her. What I want to know is, if it's even worth getting a credit card especially when my plans are to basically use like my bank account. Example, cut up debit card and don't use the bank account and only use the card for what I have cash for and turn right around and pay it. Like go to grocery store today, turn around and pay that balance off Thursday. Any thoughts, opinions or experiences with this?