This is to the asshole in a dark family sedan who decided to ride my ass on my way home this morning and barely missed me when i slammed on my brakes and all other dumb fucks just like him. If you are riding my ass, especially to the point I can't see your lights, next time i will totaly lock up my brakes instead of just getting on them hard and I will make sure you hit me. Then after you hit me I will get out and beat the living fuck out of you and go about my way and if I happen to have a loved one with me, I will go about my way and get your plate and then follow up by tracking you down. If I am in the left lane going 72 and passing people up because they are doing 60 I am not going to speed up just because you left late. I swear to fuckin god I am so sick of people who ride my ass and I am going to start reacting to this. I dont give a flying fuck if I have to pay for the damage, I gaurantee you will think twice before riding someones ass the next time.