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Everything posted by kizzzzle

  1. Following so close in the Spaghetti cats' footsteps.... I present to you.... CHIMPANZEE RIDING ON A SEGWAY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp9Gm-aRe5A&NR=1
  2. I was there last night. Conditions were awesome and I managed to conquer the 360 along with most of their boxes. When the cr caravan to mad river gonna happen?
  3. not sad funny that kid doesn't know the difference anyway hes just happy to be talking to other kids.
  4. I would hate to be hiking below them.
  5. Ya I mean it goes beyond the ratio of boringness to action. I believe it was written and directed by a bunch of brainwashed liberal hippies. I no longer have any respect for anyone associated with that movie... not that I had any for Keanu Reeves as it was.
  6. Worst Movie I have EVER seen, someone please back me up on this.... I don't even know where to start................
  7. Who is with me to start an anti-tow truck vigilante team??
  8. agreeeed x2. I know plenty of kids my age who are just a responsible with firearms as anyone over the age of 21. If you can get drafted at 18 and can fire a fully automatic weapon you should be able to own a pistol... let alone drink a few beers.
  9. I wish I could go but Im outta town. Someone take some pics I wanna know what they have usually.
  10. pretty safe... lucky you just got a ticket and not t-boned. It happens tho.
  11. When did you start working there? I worked there for a couple weeks and couldnt stand folding clothes for $7.00/hour and GTFO.
  12. As it says I have an 8g itouch I no longer need. I will include the wall charger and all of my music! $160 takes it. http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/1548/photo369br7.th.jpg Sorry the pictures sucks I'm just laazy it has some tiny scratches on the back and grease from my fingers but that should buff out. Includes Pocket Dyno Demo as a ColumbusRacing.com special offer! Makes a great holiday gift!! ! !
  13. Cliffs: 2 guys brutally beat some guy until you cant see his face and then stab him with a screwdriver in his stomach and then face some more. Hopefully he died quickly and as painlessly as possible.
  14. I was really skeptical of watching this at first.. but finally did. People are fu*ked up. Eye for an eye absolutely I hope these guys get what they deserve.
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