My girlfriend goes to CCAD she gets a lot of her art supply stuff at like the hobby lobby at Easton or if you go down high like right when you get into the short north there is an art supply store I can't remember what it is called...
found it
Utrecht Art Supply
612 N High St
Columbus, OH 43215 They should have what your lookin for...
In the second picture you clearly see a guy (looking fairly like jesus) holding a kid. I would guess thats not the only picture of the big J around that are. Maybe a reflection from that or another picture in that room?... Thanks CSI!
I feel bad for both those kids... that myspace kid more or less has a serious addiction and needs help. That other kids life is over... kids these days...
Ok So I might be getting as it says a 99-04 GT front bumper cover. I don't believe it is painted but am not sure yet. I will give more information when I know more but am basically just wondering if anyone would be interested in it. I would say I'll let it go for $50 picked up. Lemme know if anyone is interested. Thanks.
pretty interested, I have just started to get into boxing but dunno if I have the cash for it. I will have to talk to my roommates and see what they think.