Ya it is actually a decent show but some of the shit is kind of stupid. I saw one where they had to do the 1/4 fast as possible but had to stop in a certain amount of space after or else they would hit a stone wall. And the person doing the quickest time would get like a higher place or something. This guy in like a chipped F-150 had to race a Lotus Elise in the 1/4 and thought he had a chance. The Lotus ran like and 11.xx and stopped almost immediataly after never coming close to the wall. The F-150 guy thinking he has a chance to beat him guns it goes straight through the finish line and SLAMS on the brakes barreling right through the wall. He messes up his whole front bumper, hood, lights, everything and ran like a 16.xx. I am sorry but I would never risk my car trying to beat something I have no chance in hell at. Besides that little chestnut, it is a pretty good show. Not to mention who doesnt like seeing cars smash through shit especially when it isn't theirs. Wow by the time I finihshed writing this 3 people had posted before me and had already written about the F-150...o well.