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Everything posted by kizzzzle

  1. Funnier than the kid yelling crazy shit on drugs in the car
  2. Das a hard baby... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5ALIL7T764&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpreludezone.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D21340&feature=player_embedded
  3. Not to mention you always see sweet whips like that.
  4. Hell I can't wait to get my career going so I can grow up some and make something of myself. But I also don't ever want to feel like I am old and not capable of doing anything I want at any time. You guys are scaring me with all this "I feel old" talk. You need to hang out with us young whipper snappers more. Whens the next meet again??
  5. You guys are the shit. My exhaust sounded like disabled babies spitting up smashed bananas and Rob (Gearhead) suggested mad hatter out on West Broad and put in a new flex pipe for a good price. Thanks guys.
  6. I liked this video better...
  7. pretty cool, but way to much time on their hands.
  8. Just got back, Craig and the guys over there do good work. Thanks again Rob for the suggestion.
  9. Thanks Rob I'll be heading over there tomorrow.
  10. My flex pipe blew out and I just want to get the old one cut out and get a replacement welded in. Can anyone do this for me?
  11. Welcome, now give me all the secrets inside battelle.
  12. Haha some jack and heinekens later.... priceless
  13. Hahaha this is ridiculous, how do you let a chihuaha bite you 26 times?
  14. Do you live at lakeview square... I think you do.... I think I do alsooooooo
  15. We shall meet again victory hazard sti man, as soon as I get my overnight parts.... From JAPAN
  16. I am not sure of the year I would say 04-05 if I had to guess. It had the STI emblems on the low front bumper, big sti wing, big fart can, and made some weird kind of psshhhht sound as it pulled away...
  17. Thanks for putting me in my place on 315 today I almost thought for a second my VTAK would overcome your VFxx. I was even more flattered when you deamed the "victory" hazards necessary.
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