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Everything posted by kizzzzle

  1. I have been looking for a couch, could u snap a quick pic? Willing to pikup
  2. I do think it is a cool idea just to keep the originals out there, but at the same time a littttttle ridiculous
  3. kizzzzle

    Hey CR

    Another one bites the dust
  4. Bump for a good guy. GL with everything man.... PICS PICS PICS
  5. Welcome, I wish they made those AWD.
  6. I still have the cable, you can meet me and exchange me cash for it.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XInXP0Sk6_U&feature=fvw
  8. Ya i just realized theyre pretty cheap $5 forem all
  9. Ill take any and all offers...
  10. its straight just wrapped in duct tape in some spots... for you... $10 lemme know when we can meetup?
  11. To much vtaaak waaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  12. (only V6 accord in US to have exhaust on left side) made me lol
  13. Halo 3 Halo 2 COD 4 Modern Warfare SOLD NCAA football 08 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas All offers accepted (3) Xbox controller battery packs $10 takes all haggard 100 Ft. Ethernet cable $15
  14. Haha put a gayely happy smile on my face, least they made it fun...
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