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About LoneWolf

  • Birthday October 10

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Location
    GroveCity, OH
  • Vehicles(s)
    SRT 10 / Gallardo

LoneWolf's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sureflow AC/DC/5KW Electric start Gasoline w/73hrs Cheap..need the room. $600
  2. TSC17, Would have enjoyed meeting you and the others as well. I wanted to thank Thorn for the plate suggestion. Formally apologize to AkumaNoZetto for the post I made, I'm from the old school a didn't understand what he had posted was a compliment, which my daughter straightened me out on it, and to personally thank him for sending the PM referencing me Fri. evening to AhSatan.
  3. We had a great time, the children were very respectful. I don't know who had more questions...the children or the parents. You have a great congregation, by the way, your car was a hit with them as well.....hope to see you all again. Doc & Mona
  4. Sorry about that...my bad...thanks for the compliment.
  5. He has a good following.......614-274-6008. Sometimes it's lengthy
  6. I had picked out about 35 on my own and with the 26 you suggested only 4 was allowed from the 61 total. So I wanted to say thanks to you all and I owe Thorne a refreshment of his choice. Thanks Again, Doc
  7. Hey Antwon, Who even said I could ? Doc
  8. Say Hal, It was great meeting you also....keep it a little conservative for a while to see how it will react to the added HP......... Tell her she will get used to yellow :-) Doc
  9. I see your point, but shoudn't rub it in. Doc
  10. Thanks but.... I think that one would be a little self......you know. Doc
  11. I don't know about "we" but I've seen one in Tenn. with one. He had said "You have to start out with a Stang that originally had a V8 and use electric fans on the rad".
  12. Anyone have any good suggestions on a vanity plate for a 2006 silver Lamborghini Gallardo ? Thanks, Doc
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