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Everything posted by LoneWolf

  1. Sureflow AC/DC/5KW Electric start Gasoline w/73hrs Cheap..need the room. $600
  2. TSC17, Would have enjoyed meeting you and the others as well. I wanted to thank Thorn for the plate suggestion. Formally apologize to AkumaNoZetto for the post I made, I'm from the old school a didn't understand what he had posted was a compliment, which my daughter straightened me out on it, and to personally thank him for sending the PM referencing me Fri. evening to AhSatan.
  3. We had a great time, the children were very respectful. I don't know who had more questions...the children or the parents. You have a great congregation, by the way, your car was a hit with them as well.....hope to see you all again. Doc & Mona
  4. Sorry about that...my bad...thanks for the compliment.
  5. He has a good following.......614-274-6008. Sometimes it's lengthy
  6. I had picked out about 35 on my own and with the 26 you suggested only 4 was allowed from the 61 total. So I wanted to say thanks to you all and I owe Thorne a refreshment of his choice. Thanks Again, Doc
  7. Hey Antwon, Who even said I could ? Doc
  8. Say Hal, It was great meeting you also....keep it a little conservative for a while to see how it will react to the added HP......... Tell her she will get used to yellow :-) Doc
  9. I see your point, but shoudn't rub it in. Doc
  10. Thanks but.... I think that one would be a little self......you know. Doc
  11. I don't know about "we" but I've seen one in Tenn. with one. He had said "You have to start out with a Stang that originally had a V8 and use electric fans on the rad".
  12. Anyone have any good suggestions on a vanity plate for a 2006 silver Lamborghini Gallardo ? Thanks, Doc
  13. How about a Viper engine and Trans...I've got one to sell http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk267/docrupp/P8260009.jpg
  14. Brian, I wanted to thank you again for your persitence and patience in tuning The "V" with that stubborn Siemans computer Cadillac uses, not discounting the added air flow of the cold air induction I added. I will definitely give some serious thought to a pulley change in the future. By the way, it was nice meeting all you other guys and I hope to see you out and about this summer. Doc
  15. Have had no problems with all of mine, Mr.Tint did the work
  16. Looks great, Wish I had a Garage like that !
  17. Hope your curiosity has been fulfilled.....A wrench is made to fit every ones hand.....Then there are the ones that know what to do with it. No one except "Tank" ( by the way thanks for the exhaust bung ) has worked on my toys.
  18. There are a few of us going to meet at Stake & Shake in Grove City ( that's on Stingtown Rd. ) at 12:30. We'll grab a sandwich and leave around 1:30
  19. LoneWolf


    Avatar, How, and or. when. can/may. I add an Avatar.
  20. Just to let anyone know who may have any interest. National Trails Race Way....... Saturday Augest 5th 12 noon till ???? $10 for spectators $25 for participants
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