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Posts posted by 2pointslow

  1. I lose weight best through ketosis, I do subscribe to a pre-contest BB plan. Chicken, Broccoli, almonds 6 times a day; glycogen refeed every 18th meal.


    I posted the link earlier, I'm sure you are intimately familiar with the methods:



    Have you ever tried metoblic typing? I would assuming you are a fast oxidizer, i would suggest using a minimal amount of carbs as glucose is a major factor in brain function but if you see no negative side effects then great.


    What everyone needs to know is diet is trial and error. It takes time and effort to figure out what your body needs and wants.




    Going off what little i have seen here what is your primary goal?

  2. I have such a fast metabolism that id be starving by 9pm and wouldnt be able to to fall sleep if i ate my 1200 before 5pm. I know you said majority, but damn. Ive gotten into the habbit of eating huge meals like an hour before i go to bed.


    What are your goals and what is your current body composition?

  3. I think it's more like X^y.


    Especially in Ketonic state. A piece of bread can knock you out of ketosis for a day or more, continuously staying aligned to the values of the identity allows you to build exponentially on the previous day's progression.


    Why on earth would you want to be in a ketonic state other than for a BB comp?

  4. I get what your saying, but I'm not going to become a vegitarian to try to lose some weight. It's not a super pressing issue to lose the weight as fast as possible, I have no real health issues (yet, but it's a road I'd rather not go down) and losing over time I'm okay with. I think part of my problem is what evan mentioned before, I feel I need to clean my plate. I'm thinking eating better for you foods with smaller portions, and as others have mentioned more times a day will net the result I want.


    While this thread has some great information in it, it didn't exactly go the direction I wanted it to. I was more looking for meal ideas, things to try, how people prepair their foods as I know there are some people on here who do eat healthy on a regular basis. I've gotten some great ideas on better foods to try, though I'm prolly just going to surf the web for a while seeing what I can find to try. I was just looking for things people here already eat and like to try first.



    What kind of food prep are you looking for? Quick and easy?

  5. Downloaded a calorie counter app yesterday. This should be interesting. It already has just about anything you could ever eat in the calorie look up thing.


    It says i need to eat less than 1200 calories in a day to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks. damn.


    1200-1500 is about right for an average male.


    Majority of that should be consumed by 6pm and 40-50% of it should be protein. Fill your dinner with green leafy veggies and a small portion of berries for your carbs. This alone will help you see weight loss. Anything consumed after 6pm should be broccoli or green veggies as they offer minimal calories and alot of fiber.

  6. Why not take 10-12 weeks to shed as much weight as humanly possible and then start a lifestyle "eating healthier" change.


    My wife and I just had this conversation. She criticizes me for being "extreme" when I take anything on. I went vegan because moderation is hard, cutting out X amount of meat and dairy opens the door to the compromises we all make with ourselves that sabotage our larger goals. When I decide to lose weight, I can drop every pound I need to in a short period of time or I can go through the agony of moderation and teeny tiny victories for who knows how long.


    If you want to be lean, just make the decision that it is what you want to be then align your values to match. It's easier to stick to something if you say "I am a(n) X". The decisions you make wont be decisions at all since they either are or are not aligned with the values of X. It's all those small seemingly arbitrary decisions that kill the average persons ability to drop the weight.


    Do you want X amount of weight loss?





    Do you want X+X amount of weightloss?



    This is the problem i see with america. Everyone wants to workout and see progress. It CAN happen, however it will ONLY happen for a short while. Once those noob lbs are lost ( water) it will become increasingly difficult to lose weight while maintaining a horrible diet. It is far easier to lose weight with just diet than it is to lose weight doing just workouts while maintaining your normal food intake.


    If you try to take this approach you will likely fail, there is no such thing as compromising. You either do it right or you will likely fail along the way. I see it everyday, clients want to lose weight but have no interest in taking care of their diet.

  7. I'm going to be real.. troll cape off.


    Paleo is a good foundation... i say foundation because it allows you to create healthy habits. Fruit on the other hand is not good for body composition it is good for normal healthy living. There are certain fruits/veggies to stay away from. I believe paleo does a great job of steering people to what is good/not good.



    Just dont go eating a pound of bacon.

  8. Im going to talk about this from a woman's perspective, and that of a woman who sort of goes against the feminine current grain.


    This si where a HUGE part of the problem is. Parenting needs to return to some of the core values of parenting. NOT ALL OF THEM, but some of them. I think children NEED a parent at home full time. (don't care if its the guy or the girl)


    Womens liberation was NEEDED for this country but i feel like in a way it has backfired on some women (women like me) I feel like women were SO worried about equality they forgot that having the OPTION to work and be equal does not mean abandon the role of a family, which is raising your family.


    We have come so far back-assward in the family core that no one knows what end is up! This is where the "you are a unique snowflake" comes from.


    I don't know how to fix it.. I grew up in a house where my dad was the Dad and Mom. He worked 60 hours a week, and came home and made dinner for us, laid out our clothing and helped us get ready for bed. He had help from family. My aunts were invaluable to him, but it was JUST him.


    As an adult i knew damn well my children would never have that. I didn't marry just anyone. When i met my husband, i fell in love with him for so many reasons, but i kept i mind i wanted to marry for life, not for love. He was it. I knew that we could build a life together, that he would be a good father, he was responsible, and a good man.


    People don't look for these qualities anymore, they fall in love and just have to have sex (I don't have an issue with premarital sex) and not think more than a year in advance. These are where the core family values come from, picking a partner for the long term, not the "now" feelings.


    This is also part of the financial strain on this country as well. No one is thinking of the long term future, just the near future, or even in some cases the instant future.


    Lord, i could go on for a while about this and chain events to events..


    God, Mother Nature, Science have failed my family, and taken my ability to have children, so I have worked very hard to change other things in our life to get back to core family values.


    Living off the land(gardening), being a GOOD PERSON, helping those around me, these are small ways I can encourage others around me to make small changes in their lives as well.


    While these little image is geared more towards permaculture (grow food, not grass) i think it pertains to the world we live in now.



    *oh and on education*

    Four year degrees should NOT be needed to get a decent job. The other part of the issue is our consumerism. (I am part of this, but i try to reign it in) but the mentality that you build something for a living is SHAMED in this country anymore. If you work in a factory, work with machinery, or are a laborer you are considered lazy, or not smart. We are GUILTED into getting a degree. I hate school. I sure as shit wasn't able to, didn't want to, sit through four years of college when i am now in my 30's and STILL barely know what i want to be when i grow up.


    Thats bullshit.

    THAT is why all our jobs are going to china. People are forced to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get a degree that could have been apprenticed.

    Thats a whole other rant.. *roar*


    Quoted because this needs to be read a few times.

  9. Here is his manifesto


    I skimmed through it. He lists the former partner that he exposed as beating a mentally handicapped suspect who wasn't being aggressive. He was then charged with lying about it, and claims the person assigned to defend him had no interest in defending him, and 2 or the 3 internal affairs people assigned to judge the case had personal relationships with either the former partner or someone else that was bringing the charges against him. So yes, he was naming names.


    I'm sure there is more to the case. I have no clue if the guy is either insane and delusional, or if he's right and the LAPD is covering up all kinds of shit. I could believe either, considering the history the LAPD has had (just look at what they did in the 90's), and the fact that they have already shot up a truck with two women in it, injuring them, even though it wasn't even the correct model truck, just that it was blue. This recklessness to end the life of the guy, rather than make any attempt at arresting him tells me they want him SILENCED instead of giving him the chance to drag them out in front of a non partial judge in a real court.




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