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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. Well the car is going bye bye this saturday and i am looking at getting a sedan to drive. I have been looking at the cts, what issues should i be looking out for?
  2. I consider lean being able to see my abdominals and serratus.
  3. haha thanks guys! Numbers are raw bench-475 dead-580 squat-405(reps) Long standing back injury will not allow me to load my back with anymore weight than 405 without serious pain. I have squatted 560 raw.
  4. haha which is why putting 200lbs on my frame has been a rough challenge.
  5. 5'7 yes i am short, shooting for the 202 class in a few years.
  6. So i know some of you workout on here. Most of the people who personally know me will vouch that i have been trying to hit 200lbs while staying fairly lean for some time. Well this morning i went about my daily ritual, wake up walk down stairs grab 2 cups of coffee with oatmeal and eggs. I make my preworkout, grab it and head into the gym. upon entering the gym i walked by the scale jumped on and BAM 200lbs . I am looking to adding another 20lbs to my frame by fall, diet down and enter my first bodybuilding competition. I am throwing in my powerlifting towel as its getting old training through injuries.
  7. You fail because you are at waffle house sober.
  8. you would swap an ls1 into an ls1.. lol Xzibit called he said he could take care of that for you!
  9. you could always have your friend pay your bill. Then when he wants his money back, invite him into a back alley and punch him in the face. See what i did there?
  10. if i wasnt short... bump for a good guy!
  11. My vote... black series FTW http://allworldcars.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/vorsteiner_clk_63_black_widow.jpg
  12. lol true, but what if enough soldiers were pissed off enough to take over one of the camps? Not like it would ever happen but messing with peoples lively hood is a very touchy subject.
  13. This... I would be terrified to make this decision, anyone in any leadership position has to be shitting their pants right now trying to figure out how to keep everyones head straight during this time. I totally feel sorry for all of our soldiers, i would gladly go without pay first before one of the men who fight for this country.
  14. hard decision is hard... I am going to go ahead and put this here, you make your decision. 2008 clk63 black edition
  15. 2pointslow

    IPS A+

    This most people dont understand this way of thinking. Car looks good jones!
  16. OH SHIT!! Im sorry for your loss my good freind, looks like i will not be seeing her out my back window this year anymore.
  17. Nope, i was interested in that car as well.
  18. genesis coupe...........Let the Hate commence!!!!!!
  19. It would be just like the grand prix v8....alot of power + no traction= 14 sec 1/4 mile times.
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