Paul decides he wants to have this super awesome bachelor party and open invites everyone on cr. Phil then takes it upon himself to get 2 midget strippers and a donkey for the after party. Phil then invites everyone he knows including jesus, jesus confirms he is coming. Paul finds out about super awesome party via text, email, facebook, morse code, smoke signals and any other way phil came up with to let everyone know about this 3 times a day.
Phil then decides to purchase alcohol being that he is such an awesome friend and wants to give paul the time of his life. Paul then declines sending phil into a drunken state where he rides the donkey around while shooting the strippers in his boxers, cowboy hat on and bottle of PBR in hand.
Cliffs for the cliffs:
Paul is a whiny bitch
Phil is a good friend
The donky lives
Jesus shows up late
Rapture begins
You're all fucked.