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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. http://www.jokes123.com/jokes123_jan_2005/bigimages/morans.jpg
  2. Howard doesn't come out side anymore?
  3. I can recommend my LMT to you. She is great, im pretty sure she enjoys watching me in agony though. I had a pinched nerve for months, she has helped alot.
  4. Cliffs: Trolling is funny Trolling can get out of hand A funny Troll can become an unfunny troll if he/she decides to take it to far Unfunny trolls should be banned. All admins/mods are trolls.
  5. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/72/German_garden_gnome.jpg/220px-German_garden_gnome.jpg
  6. Step in dog poop on your way to find out you ran out of coffee and then caught steve (killjoy) peeing in your wheaties?
  7. You're already in a bad mood at 6:22am? Did someone pee in your Wheaties?
  8. Nope, for some reason i could give a fuck less about building mass anymore.
  9. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/23692518.jpg
  10. That you are correct about... but you live and you learn.
  11. May i link my thread from when i got engaged? :dumb:
  12. http://static1.fjcdn.com/comments/This+image+is+the+origin+_7b2064773c8d83bfb96e6532cedbe319.jpg
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