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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. Came in here for the lulz..... left with the herp.
  2. I hope the house you just bought is infested with termites and that shit falls on you while sleeping.
  3. http://beldar.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/06/03/walrus_bucket2.jpg
  4. 2pointslow


    Dads done pretty well so far this year.
  5. Been having some migraines here lately, also alot of pressure. It never goes away, sometimes if i drink caffiene i feel "normal".
  6. nope, i had just fallen asleep. Like i said it went for about a solid minute from what i remember. Could have been shorter or longer.
  7. no roids (srs).. aids ( possible) :gabe:
  8. Wow describes it perfectly, especially the part about feeling in danger. It would have been while falling asleep.
  9. I drink roughly 1.5 gal of water a day, sometimes more.
  10. No and yes i drink enough water.
  11. 2pointslow

    CR docs...

    So last night i woke up out of a sleep, my face was extremely tight ( kind of like when a kid gives a huge smile) and and i couldnt open my eyes or move my head. I felt like i was having a mini stroke. This went on for a good minute, i was fighting to relax my face muscles but i was unable to. Any idea what it could have been?
  12. yup, driving down I71 headed twords polaris to pick the woman up from work. BOOM, mother nature decided to back hand me. Stopped off at Eddie and Merlots, got a free drink and waited out the storm. :fuckyeah:
  13. Be careful guys, have fun. I hope to make it down next year!!
  14. if you wouldnt mind driving a little out of the way, the Worthington inn has great food.
  15. take some pictures of it and we will talk thursday morning.
  16. bump... I will let this go for 400 obo.
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